Categories : Card Rulings Articles using small message boxes. Namespaces Card Rulings Discussion. Views Read View source View history. Navigation Yugipedia Mobile site Help Random page. This page was last edited on 13 February , at Rush Duel Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5: Expert 1. Even so, this is a great card to run in your side deck in case your opponent mostly uses other card types.
Network Trap Hole is one of the newer cards on this list, and actually works quite well in the current meta. You can activate this card when your opponent special summons a single or multiple monsters from the deck or graveyard.
And with pesky cards like Virtual World Kyubi — Shenshen, Network Trap Hole is a reliable way to get rid of it — since Shenshen can easily revive itself.
Trap Hole of Spikes is a very similar card to Magic Cylinder if you happen to remember that card. Essentially, this card is a variation of the other Trap Hole cards, but also does some significant damage to your opponent.
The only problem is that this card only affects monsters summoned during the current turn. This is getting a bit repetitive, but Void Trap Hole is also extremely similar to a lot of the other Trap Hole cards on this list. Void Trap Hope is activated when your opponent special summons a monster with or more attack.
For example, this will protect you against cards like Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, which banishes multiple cards on your side of the field when it is summoned.
Bottomless Trap Hole is definitely one of the stronger cards on this list because of its versatility. In a situation where some monsters are summoned with less than attack, only the monsters with greater than or equal to attack would be destroyed. This effect is very strong because attack is not very high. So this requirement is easy to meet. Unfortunately, this effect causes the monsters to be destroyed first, which can cause some problems at times from monster effects. These days, in most scenarios, a powerful monster effect is definitely more preferable over raw attack strength.
With Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare, when a monster special summoned this turn activates its effect which is almost always you can negate the effect and destroy the card. It however doesn't work on cards like Jinzo that prevent trap cards from activating or Sorcerer of Dark Magic that negates trap card effects.
It feels like the ruling for this card is inconsistent. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Click here to jump to that post. Showing 1 - 14 of 14 comments. Jinzo isn't immune to traps, its effect makes so you can't activate them when they are on the field. Originally posted by Spooky Fur Missile :. Originally posted by UltimateSWX :. Last edited by taki ; 13 Oct, am. Card that negate his summon such as Pollinosis, Solemn Warning and Solemn Judgment can still be used on Jinzo because "negate the summon" means that Jinzo is technically not on the field yet, meaning its effect isn't in place.
In duel links u can use almost all traps on jinzo. Jinzo has a continuous effect that states all Trap cards cannot be activated. The only trap card that could respond to the summon of Jinzo would be a counter trap that stops summons as counter traps that stop summons prevent them from officially being on the field.