The role angle of attack plays in flight is explained in detail by NASA's education website. If the top of the wing is more curved than the bottom of the wing, then air pressure does indeed decrease over the wing and help to suck up the wing. But this is not the main effect. When a wing is tilted with the leading edge up relative to the incoming wind, the air tends to pile up under the wing, causing high pressure that pushes the wing up.
The wing is riding on top of a bubble of dense air. This is the same reason kites fly. As previously mentioned, an airfoil shape consists of a curved top and a flat bottom. After all, the curved airfoil shape guides air downwards, thereby accelerating it.
This design means that air will travel faster over the top of section when compared to the bottom section. Airfoil is a shape used for airplane wings that consists of a curved top and a flat bottom. Air will move faster over the top section, and it will more slower under the bottom section. As a result, the wings will produce more lift to keep the airplane in the air. Hoses are commonly used in both automobiles and airplanes. Consisting of rubber tubes, they are We use cookies to improve your experience.
By your continued use of this site you accept such use. The slower moving air below the wing maintains more of its pressure, which pushes the wing, and the plane, up. Forces of Flight On This Page. Credit: Bill Tinkler. What Are Flaps For? Learn More Flying Upside Down. Flaps at Takeoff. Flaps at Landing. Ask an Explainer Q:.
The wings of a Boeing have a surface area of abou … more. See All Questions and Answers. Did You. Incorrect — the answer is B.