Log in. Forgotten your password? Want an ad-free experience? View offers. They organized her finances, examined some banking issues, and reviewed her bill payments and cash flow management. They also explored debt consolidation and reviewed her insurance. Pamela was also very concerned about the financial future of her daughter, Deleiyah. Deleiyah, a 5 th grader, was no longer able to attend after school activities, meet with her Girl Scout troop, or go to band practice.
Pamela had to continue going to the hospital for her chemotherapy treatments. When you buy an eGift Card, we send an email to the recipient with Widdicombe is perfect for fans of Maria November Virtual: Linda Greenhouse, "Justice on the Brink". Virtual: Dorie Greenspan, "Baking with Dorie". Last Name. Will the drugs become more accessible in the future, as Anderson suggests?
The answer is unclear, although drug companies and insurance providers appear to be working tirelessly to lower prices. The New York Times explained in a September op-ed that government-run programs, like Medicaid, have placed certain restrictions on the drugs in an effort to control costs.
For instance, some restrictions require that patients already have advanced liver disease before they can get the medication, or that the treatments can only be prescribed by specialists, like infectious disease experts. Department of Health and Human Services requesting to do away with restrictions that are denying people earlier treatment. Prescription-assistance programs do exist; experts generally recommend that patients speak to their doctors about financial support and medication co-pay options.
By Jacqueline Andriakos Updated November 12, Save Pin FB More. Credit: Getty Images. All rights reserved. Close Sign in.