Why other countries dont like america

They just like speaking their mind, which is a reason that I don't feel quite comfortable going around with Americans. Interpersonal relations among Americans are much more practical, in contrast to the complicated way that we Chinese people treat each other. I prefer hanging out with Canadians or students from Europe, because at least they are quite polite. I believe they should understand the values that we have as Arabs, embrace them and try to go to a more local level to comprehend why we think and why we live the way we live.

People are mostly not concerned with what another person is doing. There was a bit of a culture shock when I first went there because the way people dress there is very much different from the way we dress here. All of them wear shorts. I did not find any discrimination.

I found the people They miss nuances. They are also unified in the sense that the dream isn't really a real thing anymore. The reality doesn't match the ideal. What identifies an American? All of the Trump stuff in the U. They simply don't see us as their equal Sometimes we are even better than them. The Americans are more of a tipper, good tippers.

Americans are gallant. What, do you think our country is so innocent? Such cynicism—that all societies are as corrupt and self-serving as the next—had previously been wholly rejected by the U. Today, international relations is little more than a transactional bargain for the United States, and power—not ideals, history, or alliances—is the currency. Demonstrators have marched in Australia and New Zealand, both of which have their own distinct racial divides and history of abuse, as well as in Britain and France, each with histories of colonialism and continuing race and class divisions.

It is remarkable, as Ishaan Tharoor of The Washington Post has pointed out , that it took the death of a black man in Minneapolis for Belgian authorities to pull down a statue of the person responsible for some of the most heinous colonial crimes in history.

For Europe, in particular, continued domination by the U. In London and Paris, however, there is an increasing acknowledgment that this cannot be the case—that there has been a fundamental and permanent shift.

Those that I spoke with divided their concerns, implicitly or explicitly, into ones caused by Trump and ones exacerbated by him—between the specific problems of his presidency that, in their view, can be rectified, and those that are structural and much more difficult to solve. Almost everyone I spoke with agreed that the Trump presidency has been a watershed not just for the U.

Words once said cannot be unsaid; images that are seen are unable to be unseen. The immediate concern for many of those I interviewed was the apparent hollowing out of American capacity. Take the confusion over the coming G7 summit in September. Trump sought to broaden the group, notably including Russia and India, with the aim, I was told, of building an anti-China concert of powers. But this was rejected by Britain and Canada, and Merkel refused to show up in person during the pandemic.

Behind the scenes, France has been trying to mend fences—this is not how a superpower is supposed to be treated. Read: How did we get here? A European ambassador told me Trump himself is an expression of American decline.

It is a sign of the United States following other great powers downward, something Biden—a septuagenarian who must be shielded from crowds because he is among the most vulnerable populations for the novel coronavirus—only illustrates further. Today, they are a successful country, but they have simply lost their power. To some extent, the U. N ot everyone is convinced.

Second, Blair argued that the United States remains extraordinarily resilient, whatever its current challenges, because of the strength of its economy and political system.

A final caveat, according to the former British leader, is China itself, whose global omnipotence or respect should not be overstated. Blair—a committed Americanophile—nevertheless stressed that the U. American financial and military might meant that even their combined power was irrelevant.

Read: How China is planning to win back the world. The truth is that we live in an American world, and will continue to do so, even as its power slowly fades.

In the US, even when it is an option, it doesn't feel like an option. Hell, in the right suburb, it may be a twenty minute walk just to get out of the housing area, before walking on a narrow sidewalk next to a busy road, before walking across two strip malls to get to your destination.

Flags everywhere. A flagpole on your porch or car bumper sticker may be somewhat understandable, but it gets really weird when it starts popping up on baseball caps, swimsuits or underwear. I'm in Australia and Americans are the only ones who do this yes, with the American flag , even all the way out here.

We wear shoes inside: Wearing shoes inside is a no no in many countries—and many foreigners find it odd that not all Americans do the same. We love baseball: Guess what? We are nosy: Some foreigners find it strange that Americans are so career focused. We have a funny way of greeting people: Reddit user Nyfregja points out that our seemingly normal exchange is not. No, they aren't asking how you are, they are just greeting you. We get our dates wrong: Foreigners use a very different format for writing out the date—and even saying it in speech.

President Michael Dimock explains why. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world.

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