The site DexCalc. All of these websites are accessible to teens, and all of them are free to use. Fifteen years ago, the FDA issued warning labels on OTC cough and cold medications aimed at making parents aware of the dangers of medicine abuse by teens. The Stop Medicine Abuse campaign launched nationwide in , but clearly that campaign was not successful.
More needs to be done to dissuade youth from abusing OTC drugs. As counselors, we need to step to the front lines of true preventive efforts. This means that we need to know more about DXM and other OTC medications , the reasons teens are using it, the ways teens are getting it and the most effective methods to prevent its misuse. Getting parents involved is a good first step. Parents must know what to look for and how to talk to their teens about OTC drugs. Counselors need to get the message out to parents to be realistic and truthful when educating teens about DXM.
Scare tactics do not work for many teens; in fact, they may make teens more curious about experiencing the outcomes for themselves. A better approach for prevention may be for parents, family members and other adults to increase the quality of their connection to and communication with youth.
Research shows that establishing consistent messages against drug misuse and having clear boundaries early on can be among the best prevention efforts for teen drug use. Simple steps, such as hiding medications and taking inventory, can also be effective.
Most parents want to trust their teens, but having medications that contain DXM where teens can access them is not wise, and many parents are not aware of the dangers of DXM medications. OTC cough and cold medicine should be as securely stored as opioid prescriptions. In addition, parents need to know what sites their teens are accessing online.
A parallel line of defense involves checking browser histories and having clear rules about what teens can access online. Drug use is a leading cause of death among teens resulting in more than 5, deaths per year according to figures from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Parents may not be comfortable with this advice.
After all, it may feel like snooping, and teens are likely to resist as well. Even so, what teens access online can be one of the biggest telltale signs of drug use.
The earlier that parents establish household internet rules, the better. Proactive planning and putting rules in place before children reach their teen years may prove much easier than trying to establish new rules once teens are in late adolescence. Talking to teens about drug use is often uncomfortable for parents.
Many parents do not know where to begin. Other parents simply find the topic embarrassing or awkward. As counselors, we need to help parents develop communication skills with their children and teens, but especially starting in middle childhood. Counselors can provide parents with resources for where to find information about drugs of abuse, and we can intervene if a teen has already started using. It is almost a certainty that teens talk to other teens about getting high on OTC cough and cold medication.
As counselors, we need to encourage parents to talk to their children about choosing not to get high on it. If Sharon Davis, as both a counselor and parent, had recognized the signs of DXM abuse in her son, he might have gotten help sooner.
The message we want parents and counselors to hear is that DXM is one of the most popular drugs for teens, and despite it being legal and easy to get, it is not safe when misused.
Sharon was unable to prevent all the damage done to her son, but we hope that her story will help parents of children and teens across the country to protect their own sons and daughters. Emily Weaver is a graduate student in the clinical mental health counseling program at Arkansas State University. She plans to graduate in the spring, become a licensed professional counselor and pursue a career in addictions counseling. Contact her at emily. Sharon J. Davis is a professor at Arkansas State University and a certified rehabilitation counselor.
CHPA, in partnership with its members and state legislatures, takes decisive action to combat teen abuse of dextromethorphan. Press Releases and Statements. Weekly Voice. Nearly 50 bills are scheduled to be considered during the hearing, including four bills on which CHPA will be testifying.
A Ohio bill restricting sales of dextromethorphan- DXM containing cough medicine to individuals younger than 18 years of age was passed out of the House last week. Research Reports. There is currently no clinical data indicating that dextromethorphan has a pro-viral effect in people with COVID infection. Robotripping usually involves higher than recommended doses, which can be harmful. Plus, a lot of DXM-containing products have other active ingredients that can also be harmful in higher doses.
Healthline does not endorse the illegal use of any substances. However, we believe in providing accessible and accurate information to reduce the harm that can occur when using. The effects of robotripping can vary a lot depending on how much you take. DXM causes different stages of intoxication often referred to as plateaus that vary with dosage.
A to milligram mg dose of DXM produces effects that some say are similar to those of ecstasy. It causes mild stimulation and has an uplifting effect. People also describe feeling more energetic, social, and talkative. The second stage happens with to mg of DXM. Euphoria and hallucinations are also likely with this dose. Things can get pretty hectic at this level, which produces effects similar to those of ketamine.
At this stage, the effects are similar to taking a hallucinogen like PCP. The effects of this dose are hard to shake off and last longer than the effects of other plateaus. Some people have experienced the effects for 2 weeks after stopping DXM, though this is very rare. Taking this much DXM causes a trance-like state and sensations similar to out-of-body experiences. Delirium and hallucinations often lead to aggressive or violent behavior. People also experience reduced pain perception.
DXM produces several physical effects that vary from person to person and by dose. The product you take also matters. DXM products often contain other active ingredients that produce their own effects. The effects start to kick in around 30 to 60 minutes after taking DXM and reach their peak at 2 to 4 hours. Your dose, other ingredients, and your body mass index BMI can affect how quickly you begin to feel it.
Your best bet is to try to sleep it off.