Why autobots cant fly

Subsonic flight was one of Tracks ' powers and weapons. In general, flight was counted as a power and weapon for other Transformers, such as Waspinator. Kingdom webpage [5]. Early in this series, the Predacons had a tactical advantage due to the imbalance of flight-capable individuals in their faction. Initially, only Optimus Primal could provide air support for the Maximals , and then only in robot mode, which was risky in the energon -rich environment.

However, as more protoforms were formatted and pressed into service, particularly Airazor and Silverbolt , the balance of forces became more even. The introduction of Transmetal forms into the Maximal and Predacon ranks once again shifted the balance of flight-capable transformers.

Megatron and Cheetor gained the ability to fly via jets in their beast modes, and Optimus Primal gained the ability to fly in his beast mode via a jet-powered hover board, addition to his original robot mode flight. After upgrading to his "Optimal Optimus" form, he further acquired a true jet mode that only enhanced his flight capabilities.

The arrivals of Depth Charge and Tigerhawk, who were likewise equipped with flight-based altmodes, further added to the ranks of airborne Maximals. Sufficient volumes of energon itself, of a certain level of instability, are said to have the ability to cause large objects to float.

Power Surge. Transmutate had an apparently unique flight mechanism: it extended a crystalline object from within its body, and when the crystal was exposed to air, it gave off an intense energy field and then caused its user to levitate. Since Transmutate was a malformed, incomplete design, this might have been a display of widespread Transformer flight technology that otherwise would always be internal and unseen.

During the Great War, the Decepticons displayed the ability to fly in their robot modes. By the time of the Grand Uprising , however, energon had attained such a high premium that this ability was lost to the Maximals and Predacons.

By contrast, the Monster GoBots , invaders from another reality possessed the ability to fly in their robot modes, allowing them a temporary edge over the Ex-Bots. Cultural Appropriation. Robot mode flight powers were tied to the ability to fly in vehicle mode, indicating that all Transformers with flight-capable alternate modes possessed internal repulsors or vertical thrusters. Faction did not come into it. A Transformer who went from vehicle mode to robot mode while in flight would lose considerable momentum doing so, a factor often used to land in confined areas.

Most flight was typically carried out in vehicle mode, as it was faster and typically more agile. Interestingly, all Transformers were capable of robot mode flight in zero gravity and some were capable of it in car modes.

Given the way things work in zero gravity, the robot mode flight in such conditions is actually quite natural, albeit slow. Autobots did not possess flight, save for limited jumps using booster jets. However, the capture of the Decepticon Starscream allowed the Autobot Ministry of Science to reverse-engineer flight protocols and implant them in a pair of energon refinery maintenance bots. The result was Jetfire and Jetstorm , whose origins as a split protoform granted them other new abilities as a result of the process, including becoming a combiner named Safeguard.

First and Second in Flight. GoBots all have robot mode flight systems. Withered Hope. When B landed on Earth, he was attacked by Blitzwing who slammed the scout against the rocks using his flight capabilities. B managed to use his more nimble frame to climb onto Blitzwing's back and his blade to disable the Seeker 's engines, grounding him. Plus the various others who had to stay concealed while finding the places they were going to set up the hundreds of other pillars.

I think originally they have to have the ability to fly in the first place before scanning an Earth vehicle but of course Bay screwed up that logic. User Info: loafy I think in the original G1 series, only the Decepticons were capable of flight since they were military type robots in the first place.

Hence them flying even in robot form The autobots were basically civilians without anything special. I vaguely remember the episode when they worked on creating the aerialbots? I don't know if this was considered for the movies, or just a left-over remnant from the original series. The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes. That's fact. Everything else, is theory.

User Info: emagdnE. I don't think they can just pick any vehicle to turn into, they have to have the ability to fly in the first place like Starscream in order to become a plane I don't know, I don't think any series ever attempted to properly explain any restrictions I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy All right, give me the bomb.

Active 1 year, 6 months ago. Viewed 24k times. Is there any reason why this has not, or cannot be done? Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Everyone knows from harry potter that only through the use of Dark Magic can you fly sans broomstick. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Because of this some writers have decided to include these abilities in their stories.

Improve this answer. Rigas Rigas 2, 13 13 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Yeah the continuity was all over the place. One episode Optimus Prime is all gravelly voiced elderly statesman, the next he's wise cracking and laying down trash talk on Megatron!

Gotta love it! Anonymous Anonymous 61 1 1 silver badge 1 1 bronze badge. Thomas Thomas 9, 6 6 gold badges 35 35 silver badges 60 60 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. These 'Transformers' are robots, so if they are built with an alternate mode capable of flying, then they "can" fly, regardless of being a 'Bot or 'Con.

Autobots, even the ones that can only transform into just cars, can fly without the need for a jetpack -- although not as fast as some of the Decepticons.

A jetpack would increase their flight speed but doesn't make them more agile in the air. Decepticons were mostly jets in the early seasons of TF G1, so this would give them an advantage of greater speed and better maneuverability in the air than an Autobot in robot mode flying in the air as well. So that would indicate that the car Autobots are not as good as Decepticon jets in flying through the air. But they couldn't. See, most Transformers weren't legally licensed to fly, despite their ability to do so.

Well obviously, Megatron's opinion was "Damn the man! The few Autobots that regularly fly were all officially licensed as pilots and had passed aircraft requirements the exception being the Dinobots who did not understand the concept of needing licenses. It was recognized that their actions did not always reflect the official views of the Autobot party, and so the other Autobots namely Optimus were spared legal action for the Dinobots' illegal flights.

Most Autobots never found the time to make appointments with U. Whether they actually retained their flight parts or had them removed until they could be used legally, I don't know.

Thus, they did not know U. They finally did take care of their legal status with the governments of the world at the end of the episode however. This may have contributed to BW Megatron's hatred of humans. And now you know the rest of the story! Cyclonus, take command!


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