At least there was a warning of some sort. Thinking along these lines allows the referee to dial the devious knob up or down, depending upon the situation. Whether you allow the Gygaxian Thief class or not, this obvious traps design theory will still engender more role-playing scenarios and critical thinking on behalf of your players. If a player in my campaign yearned to have a character who was mechanically adept, and well versed in the detection and removal of such devices, I would concede.
Perhaps an Explorer class, or a Delver class. Something that a Dwarf might excel at, at the expense of combat prowess. Nevertheless, this character would NEVER be able to simply roll dice to detect, and roll dice to remove abstract, non-descript traps within Ulin Uthor. Such a character would need to role-play, and tell me what, how and why before attempting to get some class related bonus in his efforts to disable my traps.
Here are two examples from Ulin Uthor: A standard pit trap, with a pair of counter-balanced trap doors. Pretty standard fare. His adventuring mates, in their efforts to free their companion, attempted to pry open the stout trap doors using a spear. The spear broke, and the spear head is still firmly wedged into the edge or center of the trap doors.
How obvious is this? Also, it leads to other ad-lib possibilities…is the adventurer still there? Why was he left? Is he still alive? Worse yet, has he been turned into a Zombie? A dead end hall after a turn in the passage greets the delvers. There is a distinct odor of rotted flesh here. How obvious these clues are is up to the referee. Levers are almost always too tempting to leave alone.
Is this a typical crushing wall trap? Is there some reward for pulling the lever? Is there some Deep Down denizen snacking on the remains of slain delvers here? Is this such an obviously deadly trap that the delvers had better just leave it alone altogether?
Sometimes there is no reward, of course. What there certainly is NOT is a Thief reaching for his dice when he encounters such a hall. Thus, she concentrates solely on her weaving, never lifting her eyes. However, as she weaves, a mirror hangs before her. Occasionally, she also sees a group of damsels, an abbot church official , a young shepherd, or a page dressed in crimson.
She sometimes sights a pair of knights riding by, though she has no loyal knight of her own to court her. Nonetheless, she enjoys her solitary weaving, though she expresses frustration with the world of shadows when she glimpses a funeral procession or a pair of newlyweds in the mirror. The knight hangs a bugle from his sash, and his armor makes ringing noises as he gallops alongside the remote island of Shalott.
His forehead glows in the sunlight, and his black curly hair flows out from under his helmet. Jekyll and Mr. SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. Using UpToDate as the ur-text, though, gets into a vast expanse of gray zone, with some assertions evidence-based but many not. To the north lay the wide expanse of Samburu land, and its mighty Ewaso Ngiro river. When it cleared, the valley was a solid expanse of white, and the stars shone out as if in an Arctic sky.
The expanse , apparently so limitless, open to her view, invited her fancy to a range equally boundless. Here a palace with low portals extended its ponderous expanse ; it was the palace of King Loc.
This in turn will go through its process of retreat until the former expanse of waters disappears. What more natural term, then, to apply to a spot of land standing alone in the midst of an expanse of water than an eye of land?