Career inventories provide educators with vital information needed to accurately assist students in their career planning process. Inventories are used to help students learn more about their interests, values, and skills. Inventory instruments are used to help students understand their career needs, and possibilities so that they can make well-informed decisions about their future. There are several types of inventories educators can utilize to assist students, below are a few you can explore.
Identifying these factors or qualities early on aids in selecting a career that will lead to career success and satisfaction. Below are a few personality inventories educators can utilize to aid in identifying students thoughts, interests, feelings, and behaviors to identify careers that are a best fit. MBTI looks at the 16 personality factors that are believed to make up a person's personality type.
Based on students' responses from the assessment, students identify one of the 16 personality types. True Colors is an inventory students can use to gain a better understanding of themselves.
Developed by Don Lowry, the True Color Personality test was created to categorize an individual's basic learning styles. The inventory uses the colors: orange, gold, blue and green to represent four different personality types.
It is important for students to identify their personality traits because it provides insight as to how students will engage, interact, and communicate with others in the workplace. The Holland Code personality inventory is used to group students' personalities with occupations. Created by Dr. We are able to offer a limited number each semester on a first come, first served basis. Upon completion of the assessment, please schedule your appointment with Kevin Fallon.
Section Home Career Connections! Career assessments and interest inventories are tools you can use to explore your career options. These tools will evaluate your personality, interests, and work habits in a variety of environments and help you think about how your values or interests might match some specific career fields. Taking these assessments can be helpful, but to get the most out of the experience, upon completion of the assessment you should schedule an appointment to talk with a member of the Career Services team for a more personal and comprehensive evaluation of your career options and plans.
Cost: Career Services covers the cost, you do not have to pay Estimated Time To Complete: Approximately minutes to complete How to login: Please contact Career Services to obtain a username and password to access the Strong.
Once you have the credentials, log on to the Strong Interest Inventory Website Career Services Representative: Upon completion of the assessment, please schedule your appointment with Mr. Endicott is certified to assess your results for the Strong Interest Inventory.
Developed by psychologist E. Strong and continually refined and researched, the Strong Interest Inventory is an indispensable tool for the modern workplace. It benefits from a variety of lenses through which career interests and preferences can be assessed: starting with a broad view of general fields of interest, the inventory goes on to suggest specific career options for the individual, and gives them an insight into their likely professional style once in a job.
How to choose a career based on interests - the Strong assessment.