What do advent christians believe

That can be done at anytime or anyplace through a simple confession to God. Believing that Jesus not only offers that forgiveness, but has paid the price for sin by dying for us.

Declaring to God that you want to know Him and walk with Him, and have Jesus His Son in your life as the one who saves and guides. This confession not only begins a new life for a person as a believer, with the Holy Spirit given to teach and guide, it also and gives one a hope of a future eternal life with God.

As one from an a cappella church tradition, I have enjoyed their vigorous congregational singing, which they do quite well even with instrumental accompaniment.

During the past quarter-century, I have been privileged to speak at numerous AC churches, regional and national conferences from coast to coast, and I now count many wonderful and dear Christian friends among these gentle and humble people. They seem to flourish on the coasts — East and West — but are not widely known between.

If you should happen to encounter an AC pastor or church, I invite you to get to know them. In some Christian denominations , blue, representing hope, is an alternative colour for Advent, eg in the Lutheran tradition. Advent reminds Christians of the sacred meaning of Christmas. Despite the secular preparations taking place, eg buying presents and going to parties, Advent reminds Christians to remember and prepare for the birth of Jesus. They may also attend carol services as part of Advent.

One important aspect of Advent in the Roman Catholic Church, especially before 16 December, is to prepare for the Second Coming of Christ in judgement at the end of time.


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