According to the CDC, bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection in women ages Although researchers do not completely understand the cause of BV, having a new sex partner or multiple sex partners can increase the risk of getting BV. BV can also cause:. Bacterial vaginosis can be treated with prescription antibiotics. To clear up your BV, your doctor may recommend a gel, cream, or oral pill. Persistent or recurrent BV is common, so you should return for evaluation if symptoms happen again.
Yeast infections also called candidiasis or thrush are common, and most women experience them at least once in their lifetime. Yeast is a fungus that is naturally present in the vagina.
Good bacteria generally keep yeast in check, but factors like antibiotics, hormone changes, a weakened immune system, and diabetes can cause yeast overgrowth. Vaginal yeast infections can be irritating and uncomfortable.
Symptoms of a yeast infection can be similar to other infections, but can also cause:. Yeast infections can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medication. There are many forms, including creams, ointments, tablets, and vaginally inserted suppositories.
A doctor can also prescribe an oral pill. As the body transitions to menopause, hormones change. The decrease of estrogen during menopause can cause vaginal atrophy, or thinning of the vaginal walls. Shortening and tightening of the vaginal canal can cause irritation, and decreased lubrication can cause discomfort during sex. And neither discharge from Chlamydia or Gonorrhea are typically cottage-cheese like.
This is an important difference. Other symptoms that can be associated are discomfort while peeing and a fishy smell. Like yeast infections, Herpes causes itching and burning in the vagina. Unlike yeast infections, it has the aforementioned sores and does not typically have vaginal discharge.
Herpes is not curable, but a doctor can provide you with antiviral medications that suppress outbreaks and other medications that may help with discomfort. Bacterial Vaginosis Although not technically an STD, Bacterial Vaginosis is a common vaginal health issue in sexually active women between the ages of 15 and Bacterial Vaginosis can be identified by symptoms of burning and itching of the vagina, as well as a grayish discharge that gives off a fishy smell.
It is typically treatable with antibiotics but may go away on its own as well. These can happen when a blood clot develops in a vein near the opening of your anus as a result of straining from exercise, bowel movements, or childbirth. If you have Hemorrhoids, a medical professional will be able to diagnose it and provide you with a treatment plan. Better safe than sorry by making assumptions when lab tests can easily provide a diagnosis and a doctor can treat you while also answering all of your questions.
Do you need a doctor you can trust to give you a medical diagnosis and provide treatment? We are so honored and. Vaccines provide an incredible amount of protection from diseases by causing your body to make antibodies against viruses and bacteria, but are they safe for.
When parents take their middle school child to the doctor, many are surprised when their provider recommends the HPV vaccine for their child.
Many STIs have no signs or symptoms asymptomatic. Even with no symptoms, however, you can pass the infection to your sex partners. So it's important to use protection, such as a condom, during sex.
And visit your doctor regularly for STI screening so you can identify and treat an infection before you can pass it on. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection of your genital tract. Chlamydia may be difficult to detect because early-stage infections often cause few or no signs and symptoms.
When they do occur, symptoms usually start one to three weeks after you've been exposed to chlamydia and may be mild and pass quickly. Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection of your genital tract. The bacteria can also grow in your mouth, throat, eyes and anus.
The first gonorrhea symptoms generally appear within 10 days after exposure. However, some people may be infected for months before signs or symptoms occur. Trichomoniasis is a common STI caused by a microscopic, one-celled parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis.
This organism spreads during sexual intercourse with someone who already has the infection. The organism usually infects the urinary tract in men, but often causes no symptoms.
Trichomoniasis typically infects the vagina in women. When trichomoniasis causes symptoms, they may appear within five to 28 days of exposure and range from mild irritation to severe inflammation.
HIV is an infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV interferes with your body's ability to fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi that cause illness, and it can lead to AIDS, a chronic, life-threatening disease.
When first infected with HIV , you may have no symptoms. Some people develop a flu-like illness, usually two to six weeks after being infected. Still, the only way you know if you have HIV is to be tested. Early HIV signs and symptoms usually disappear within a week to a month and are often mistaken for those of another viral infection.
During this period, you're highly infectious. More-persistent or -severe symptoms of HIV infection may not appear for 10 years or more after the initial infection. Early-stage HIV symptoms may include:. As the virus continues to multiply and destroy immune cells, you may develop mild infections or chronic signs and symptoms such as:. Signs and symptoms of late-stage HIV infection include:. Genital herpes is a highly contagious STI caused by a type of the herpes simplex virus HSV that enters your body through small breaks in your skin or mucous membranes.
Most people with HSV never know they have it, because they have no signs or symptoms or the signs and symptoms are so mild they go unnoticed. When signs and symptoms are noticeable, the first episode is generally the worst. Some people never have a second episode. Others, however, can have recurrent episodes for decades.
Ulcers can make urination painful. You may also have pain and tenderness in your genital area until the infection clears. During an initial episode, you may have flu-like signs and symptoms, such as a headache, muscle aches and fever, as well as swollen lymph nodes in your groin.
Some forms of HPV put women at high risk of cervical cancer. Other forms cause genital warts.