Top Solutions. Or was it the last time that they clicked on my as a contact therefore making that the last time that my skype account recognized that they It means the last time that person was seen online on Skype.
It wont be shown if that person was online and invisible. It shows when the per Add your answer. Anonymous 1. Or was it the last time that they clicked on my as a contact therefore making that the last time that my skype account recognized that they were online. Was this answer helpful?
Yes No. This answer closely relates to:. Suggested Solutions 10 What's this? Anonymous 0. Well not really I keep seeing people ask this and it is my findings that when someone is offline and you send a message you will see this little grey spinning thing now what most ppl don't know is even when invisible you will still see the little grey circle but if they read the message while invisible the grey circle goes away hope it helps.
If a skype contact has deleted you, their status bubble will be grey with a question mark in it. The only way to know if a contact is offline or invisible is by sending them a message and being online yourself.
If they are online , the message will send. If they are not, then the loading icon will spin next to the message. Your message will be delivered when you are both on at the same time.
Anonymous "If he a sky contact icon is filled with full green If he a sky contact icon is filled with full green means he is online otherwise he is offlline. This icon is displayed left sife of the contact? Yes you can. What each Skype status means Active : It means that you are online and they can write to you. What are the Skype statuses and what do they mean Invisible : Basically it is so that nobody knows that you are connected in any way. You can configure Skype statuses whenever you want.
How can you do it? Open the app. Click on your profile picture and you will see a drop down menu. In this menu you will see all the available statuses. Press on the one you want, you can change status as many times as you want. If you want to do this from your mobile device it is practically the same.
Open the Skype app. Click on the profile photo. If you click on it you will see all the statuses that you have available to apply. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. What is the difference between last seen and last activity? I ask cause a contact of mine is showing last activity as 46 minutes ago, but last appeared seen was about 8 hours ago.
These are the Skype statuses and they can be set manually or when the app considers they need to be changed depending on your activity. This amazing app is undoubtedly the one of the best to shorten the distances between people, what are you waiting for to try it?
The statutes Skype are useful for knowing if a contact is busy, absent, or active to know exactly when is the best time to talk to them about something. Likewise, all or almost all of these states can be configured manually and will remain so until you decide to change them. They work in a very similar way to other apps and a little further we will try to explain what each of the states of this app means and also in what situations they change automatically.
It is something extremely simple and easy to understand. We will detail each state available in the application. A little further down, we will teach you in a small tutorial how to quickly change Skype statuses so that you can modify them when you deem it necessary according to the situation in which you find yourself.
Active : it means you are online and they can write to you. When you are on your computer and using it, even if Skype remains in the background, the active status appears. In the case of a mobile device it must be in use for this state to appear. Recently active : this is when you stopped using the application a short time ago.