What is important to you? Imagine celebrating communion as a duty or ritual with a lack of interest or boredom? Would God be pleased? Jeremiah Should we take communion every Sunday? Bible Question: Should we take communion every Sunday? Bible Answer: Some churches take communion every Sunday. Meaning of Breaking Bread in Acts Some also believe that Acts teaches we should celebrate communion every Sunday.
But whatever we believe about communion, it's a very significant thing. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul says: 'Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep' 1 Corinthians In some churches this has been taken to mean communion should be a rare and special event, celebrated perhaps only once a year and preceded by fasting and confession.
For others, it's a routine part of worship celebrated every Sunday. Either way, it is a gift and a blessing to the Church. But is it ever right for believers not to take communion? The answer is very challenging. For a young boy in a rural town, church was boring, long, and filled with old, stodgy people singing old, stodgy songs. I would have rather been playing and watching football. However, there was one Sunday out of every month in which I did look forward to church—the first Sunday.
The first Sunday was communion Sunday. The mothers older women of the church would dress in all white. The pastor would wear his white robe. The communion table, normally bare, would be draped in a white cloth under which was clearly the communionware containing the bread and the wine. I was impressed with the ceremony involved and the care taken in preparing the table. There was care in handling and distributing the elements. The deacons wore white gloves and the trays were passed between them with a deliberate orchestration of movements and reverence.
Unfortunately, for all the care taken with the elements of the table, similar care was not taken by the participants, those receiving the table.
It is a blessed sacrament, like baptism, given to the church as a sign of God's faithfulness to His promises and an assurance in the heart of the one to whom the promises are given. The Unconverted. NASB 1 Corinthians Neither the gospels nor the epistle to the Corinthians give us a command as to how often to celebrate communion. Suggested Links: Can I worship and have communion at home by myself? Should we take communion every Sunday?
Does the expression first love in Revelation refer to communion? Five Priorities of the Church. Like The Master Ministries P.