Scripture should interpret scripture

Mel Lawrenz trains an international network of Christian leaders, ministry pioneers, and thought-leaders. He has a Ph. Filed under How to Study the Bible. This message is only visible to admins.

Problem displaying Facebook posts. Backup cache in use. Click to show error. Bible Gateway. When was the last time you truly felt carefree? The question is almost unfair. What if there was a way to get our lives back? God wants to come to us and restore our lives. You can get your life back, here and now. This 6-week study will show you how. Not everything in the Bible is equally clear. Some texts are more clear than others and some texts are downright obscure.

This passage is notoriously difficult and numerous interpretations have been offered. Deciding what the text means requires making several exegetical decisions. First, who are the spirits who are in prison? Are they fallen angels? Are they souls of deceased human beings? Second, when did Jesus preach to them? Was it during the time between his crucifixion and resurrection? Was it during the time of Noah? Third, what did he preach? Was it a message of triumph? Was it a call for repentance and faith?

Interpret the non-didactic in light of the didactic. This principle follows from the first. As Steve Lemke has shown elsewhere in this journal, the Bible contains many different genres or types of literature. On the other hand, if the writer desires primarily to teach or instruct his readers on a particular topic, then a didactic form of writing is often best. Interpret earlier revelation in light of later revelation. This principle is grounded in the concept of progressive revelation.

The idea is that God has revealed himself and his will in the Scriptures progressively. So passages of Scripture that were written later will provide us a clearer and fuller understanding of God and his will than earlier passages. For example, Christians believe that God is triune — that there is one God who exists in three eternal persons. Yet, the Old Testament saints did not have this understanding of God.

When adjudicating between competing hypotheses to determine which one is best, the scientist appeals to several rational principles such as: 4 Explanatory power — the best explanation will make the data more probable than competing explanations.

Explanatory scope — the best explanation will explain more of the data than competing explanations. Ad hoc-ness — the best explanation will be less ad hoc than competing explanations i. Coherence with accepted theory — the best explanation will be more consistent with other accepted theories than competing explanations.

Simplicity — the best explanation will be simpler than competing explanations. We begin with the immediate context of the phrase or sentence, then move to the paragraph, then the chapter, and then the book.

Finally, because Christ himself claims all of Scripture as a testimony to himself, we allow the Old Testament to be interpreted in light of the New Testament, and vice versa Luke As St. We also try to keep the literal sense of the text in mind, or the sensus literalis. In other words, we seek to interpret the text in the sense in which it was written and the way it was intended to be read.

Whether we are reading narrative, poetry, history, prophecy, or a letter, we try to get into the shoes of the original hearers and read a text the way it was originally meant to be read.

Ah, I see what you mean. My conservative protestant ears are so used to hearing of the rule of faith in connection with "scripture interprets scripture" that I forget that the concepts are not always so tightly linked. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. The above reference to divorce is based on a false reading of the Greek where the word is Putting Away. It is putting Away that God hates in Malachi.

The Writ frees the ex-spouse to marry another, so preventing her from having to live in poverty or resort to prostitution. Jesus was speaking to Jews about their religion which He castigated many times, but He never broke any genuine law Himself.

Jesus was under the Law, Christians are not under Law, or the Law at all. By teaching otherwise we violate the Law of Christ. Concordiae, Scripture interprets Scripture From this idea that scripture alone was sufficient came the idea that we should interpret scripture using other scripture.

As a Hermeneutic Approach As a hermeneutic approach, "Scripture interprets Scripture" is the idea that we should read a passage in the light of the entire Bible. Other Hermeneutic Approaches This idea that scripture can be used to gain insight into other passages in the Bible is found through many hermeneutic approaches.

Summary The idea that we can use scripture to interpret other scripture is a common theme throughout Hermeneutics. Community Bot 1. Richard Richard 9, 19 19 gold badges 52 52 silver badges 91 91 bronze badges. In sensus plenior it means that all the answers to the riddles are found within scripture.

But if we use the rule: Jesus says we should let our light shine before men, yet we should not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. Bob Jones Bob Jones 6, 1 1 gold badge 16 16 silver badges 54 54 bronze badges. Pardon my severity, but I am baffled by this answer. That final sentence is one of the most egregious examples of eisegesis that I have encountered in quite a while.

Why not instead ask a specific question for scriptural support of the parts you have doubt about.


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