We recognize the importance of health and wellbeing, supporting livelihoods, treating people with respect and working to enhance diversity, equity and inclusion. Download the printed edition of the Statistical Review of World Energy, the launch presentation speech and slides and more. Site traffic information and cookies We use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable the site to function. Manage cookie preferences Agree.
Primary energy. Primary energy — world consumption EJ. Energy per capita by region GJ per head. Average global energy consumption per capita decreased by 5. Likewise, secondary fuels are also energy currencies and aren't primary energy sources, they must be made. This means that most of the world's energy supply emits carbon dioxide when it undergoes combustion in order to extract the energy. The world's primary energy is growing quite rapidly even faster than population in most countries , specifically in rapidly growing economies like the BRIC countries, play with the interactive graph to see more.
Figure 2. Play with the following interactive graphic to see how primary energy is increasing in different regions and countries. Use the drop down menus to change which view is shown population doesn't work on regions yet. The units on the graph are millions of tonnes of oil equivalent Mtoe , which is the energy in 1 million tonnes of oil. Fossil Fuels. Primary energy supply Related topics Energy.
Latest publication World Energy Statistics Publication Indicators Primary energy supply Crude oil production Electricity generation Renewable energy Nuclear power plants Crude oil import prices. My pinboard Add this view Go to pinboard. Perspectives TOT. Countries Highlighted Countries Highlight countries Find a country by name.
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