How long to jedi live

Although the last conflict concluded with the fall of the Old Republic , the ancient Sith all but perished as well, allowing a new Galactic Republic to rise under the protection of the Jedi Order. Unknown to the Jedi, however, the Sith endured in secret for a millennium beginning with Darth Bane , the sole-surviving Dark Lord of the Sith who reformed the Sith way by creating the Rule of Two —a rule limiting the Sith Order's ranks to two members: a Sith Master to embody the power of the dark side, and a Sith apprentice to covet that power.

While the Jedi and Republic moved on, their ancient wars with the Sith fading from memory, Bane's legacy spawned a lineage of Sith Lords that culminated in the rise of Darth Sidious approximately three decades before the Battle of Yavin. During the final years of the Republic, the galaxy was beset by political instability and social unrest which, in turn, created a secessionist crisis that ultimately resulted in the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Lacking the sufficient manpower needed to protect the galaxy, the Jedi became commanders and generals in the newly-formed Grand Army of the Republic. For roughly three years they commanded armies of clone troopers in a conflict known as the Clone Wars , engaging the Confederacy's battle droid forces led by Count Dooku —a former Jedi Master who became a Sith Lord —and the cybernetic warlord General Grievous. Though the Jedi fought to preserve the Republic, the government they served was secretly taken over by Sidious who, as Senator Sheev Palpatine of Naboo , rose to power in the Senate and became the last Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

The Chancellor's machinations culminated in the execution of Order 66 , a secret protocol that turned the Jedi's clone soldiers against them, leading to an all but total extermination of the Jedi Order. With the most of the Jedi eliminated, Sidious supplanted a thousand years of democracy with a new government known as the Galactic Empire. In addition, Sidious succeeded in turning Anakin Skywalker —the prophesied Chosen One who was destined to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith—to the dark side and renamed him Darth Vader.

As a Sith Lord, the former Jedi Knight served the self-proclaimed Galactic Emperor by hunting down the few surviving Jedi, who had gone into hiding across the galaxy. In spite of the Sith's efforts, however, the Jedi continued to endure. Luke would later redeem his father, causing him to return to the light and fulfill his destiny as the Chosen One, destroying both himself and his Master during the Battle of Endor.

The Empire dissolved into various remnants as a result of their defeat in the Galactic Civil War , allowing the Alliance to Restore the Republic to rise as the New Republic.

Under the new era , Luke Skywalker endeavored to rebuild the Order by training a new generation of Jedi. Ben, however, was seduced by the dark side of the Force at the coaxing of Snoke , an enigmatic figure who spearheaded the Imperial-inspired First Order.

The new generation was betrayed and destroyed by Ren, who left the Jedi training temple burning by the time Skywalker recovered from the attack. Feeling responsible for Ben's fall and the massacre of his apprentices, he went into exile and disappeared from the galaxy, leaving only traces of his location on a star map.

The First Order and the Resistance both sought to acquire the map, but ultimately it was the latter that succeeded due to the actions of the Jakku scavenger Rey. She followed the map to the planet Ahch-To , where the last Jedi had taken refuge in the first Jedi Temple. Skywalker, stricken by grief and believing his return would only cause more problems, was reluctant to train Rey or another generation of Jedi.

However, the last Jedi eventually returned to the fight, buying time for the Resistance to escape the siege of Crait led by Kylo Ren, who became the new Supreme Leader after killing his master , Snoke.

Skywalker became one with the Force after exerting a great amount of energy to project himself across the galaxy to face his fallen nephew, but not before acknowledging that he would not be the last Jedi. His heroic tale spread across the galaxy, inspiring others and giving hope in a time of rising darkness.

After Ren renounced the dark side, Sidious attempted to turn Rey until he discovered her bond with Ben Solo. Realizing they were a dyad in the Force , Sidious nearly drained them of their life force to regain his full power. Though weakened by Sidious' attack, Rey was strengthened by the spirits of past Jedi, allowing the apprentice to stand against the Dark Lord of the Sith. She destroyed her grandfather using his own Force lightning against him, preventing the rebirth of the Sith Order, but the effort left her dead.

Solo resurrected her at the cost of his life, becoming one with the Force as the last Skywalker. The Jedi Order and the Skywalkers were gone, but their legacy endured through Rey, who took the Skywalker name to honor her mentors.

For a thousand generations, the Jedi Order protected the Galactic Republic as guardians of peace and justice. The Jedi Knights [51] were a noble order of Force-sensitive protectors—united by their ability to use the Force —who upheld peace and justice in the Galactic Republic for over a thousand generations, [4] carrying out what they sensed to be the will of the Force as its instruments. As the Jedi were instructed in the ways of the Order and the Force; as their knowledge grew, each member progressed through several different ranks.

With the exception of Anakin Skywalker , prospective Jedi were identified a short time after birth by the quantity of midi-chlorians in their blood , a factor which indicated the level of a subject's Force-sensitivity.

Training began at the level of the Jedi youngling ; at some point in their training, younglings were expected to find their own Kyber crystal —the heart of the lightsaber , [56] a distinctive and elegant weapon of the Jedi [57] —in order to pass an ancient rite of passage known as The Gathering. Padawans were assigned to fully-trained Jedi, such as Knights or Masters, in order to complete their training in the Jedi arts.

Younglings who succeeded in their trials graduated to the level of Padawan , the apprentice of a more experienced member of the Order. In accordance with the Jedi Code, a Master could instruct only one student in the ways of the Force at any given time. The Padawan braid , a symbol that represented a Jedi apprentice's status in the Order, was worn in the hair [21] or head, [58] depending on the Padawan's species.

The Jedi Trials were a series of tests that ultimately determined whether a Padawan was worthy of the rank of Jedi Knight. The most powerful and legendary Jedi held the rank of Jedi Master. The Jedi Order, in its capacity as a peacekeeping force in the Republic, [8] vowed allegiance to the Galactic Senate. According to Sheev Palpatine , the Office of the Chancellor would become a dictatorship if the Order was forced to comply with orders from the Republic head of state.

Some signs of its past remained, however, such as mosaics and an ancient meditation ledge. The Jedi Archives , the source of all knowledge accumulated by the Order, was located inside of the Temple. As the symbol of the Order, the Temple signified the Order's status in galactic affairs. Those who worked in the Temple often dedicated their whole life to serving the Order.

In addition to the Temple on Coruscant, the Order maintained several ancient temples spread across the galaxy. One such temple was located on Lothal , and was only accessible if both the Master and Padawan were present. The Lothal temple was where Padawans were sent to confront their fear without the support of the Masters, some of whom ultimately died while waiting for their students who never returned, leaving the temple's antechambers littered with their skeletal remains.

A Jedi Temple was located on Ilum, a sacred world with an abundant supply of kyber crystals. While Ilum was regarded as the most sacred planet to the Jedi Order, [28] the desert moon Jedha —a holy site and home to one of the first civilizations that explored the nature of the Force [74] —was considered a spiritual home of the Jedi.

The Jedi Order established smaller outposts at various locations around the galaxy, including one on Elphrona. These outposts were believed to date as far back as the High Republic Era and contained various artifacts that were important to the history of the Jedi. The Library was destroyed before the Clone Wars , and was found by Luke Skywalker to be in complete ruins. Despite this, Skywalker still located an original copy of the Rammahgon , one of the sacred Jedi texts , on the planet. The Jedi were committed in their duty as guardians of the Republic, but had no desire to be celebrated as such.

The Jedi Order was generally viewed by the public as an order of mystics. While their command of the Force inspired awe in the citizens who personally witnessed the Jedi's abilities, throughout its history the Order remained inscrutable to the general population of the Republic.

This idea was rejected by Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, who noted the Jedi's discomfort with their wartime role as generals in the Republic Military. The Order's contributions to the war effort were therefore largely unnoticed by the Republic citizenry, as COMPOR shifted its attention to the clone troopers who served under the Jedi's command.

Republic citizens were largely unaware of the Order's motives for fighting in the Clone Wars; to some individuals [78] such as the Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze [79] or the Coruscanti civilian Letta Turmond , the Jedi had forsaken their principles as peacekeepers by becoming military leaders and battlefield warriors. They ultimately defied Kaa's authority upon witnessing the Jedi's efforts to save the Lurmens from extermination by General Lok Durd.

At the height of the Clone Wars, people throughout the galaxy regarded the Jedi as warmongers, particularly in territories controlled by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, most beings did not know that the Order went to war to honor its commitment to protect the Senate, the Republic, [78] and the galaxy at large.

Anti-Jedi sentiment grew as a result of the Order's involvement in the Clone Wars. The Separatists accused the Jedi of hypocrisy, claiming that the Order supported the Republic's inhumane practice—as portrayed through Separatist propaganda—of using clones as a " slave army. It was the Order's preference to not be used as icons of heroism, having long resisted attempts at romanticizing the Jedi, especially for the purpose of wartime propaganda.

The Jedi, therefore, were mostly absent from galactic culture, which allowed anti-Jedi sentiment to grow from preconceptions instead of a genuine rebuttal of the Order's practices. The Separatists were convinced that the Order neglected their worlds, forcing them to secede from the Republic.

Separatist civilians conflated the Order with the Core Worlds ' reputation for cultural elitism, and some even viewed the Jedi as " evil " and a fanatical sect of "warmongers. Anti-Jedi sentiment was openly espoused by the Republic's successor, the Galactic Empire.

Lyra Erso was a spiritual woman who supported the Jedi Order out of reverence of the Force. Erso's support for the Order was rooted in her faith in the Force, which evolved from her lifelong love of nature, and her belief in the concepts of good and evil. The Force, as Erso viewed it, was the epitome of perfection and good. During the Clone Wars, Erso believed that the Order was the Republic's best defense against the "powers of evil. She often exercised on the Temple grounds prior to the Clone Wars; after the conflict began, however, Erso noticed a changed atmosphere at the now heavily patrolled temple district , which made the area virtually inaccessible to the public with the exception of individuals who carried high security clearance.

Erso's pregnancy was the closest she felt to experiencing the Force in the way that she imagined the Jedi's connection to it—an incomprehensible and "profound connection with life. However, she comforted herself with the belief that while she could not use the Force as the Jedi could, she was able to sense it nonetheless.

Whereas the public generally accepted the deaths of thousands of Jedi, largely out of relief over the end of the Clone Wars, Erso was heartbroken by the Order's destruction and cried for hours as a result, an experience she likened to the loss of a family member.

Despite the eradication of the Order, Erso continued to believe in the Jedi whose principles influenced her sense of morality. Though a former Separatist, Lux Bonteri grew to see the Jedi as heroes for their role in the liberation of Onderon. In addition Erso, [55] the Jedi's deeds won the respect and admiration of individuals who worked closely with the Order, such as Cham Syndulla [87] and Lux Bonteri.

Inspired by the selflessness and heroism of the Order, Bonteri vowed to restore the union between Onderon and the Republic. Considered the Jedi Order's most sacred world, its ancient Temple would eventually host the Gathering, a tradition that would continue up until the fall of the Order. It would become the base of the architect droid , Professor Huyang , for over a thousand years as he instructed on lightsaber designs and kept records of every single Jedi weapon created.

The Jedi religion, as it was called by Luke Skywalker, was based around eight "sacred texts" that "describe tenets, history, and specific guidance to those studying the path of the Jedi. These books included a number of aspects of the Jedi religion that appeared to have little influence on later Jedi, such as references to " gods " and the World Between Worlds. They also included more mundane information, such as lightsaber designs.

The theology of the Jedi religion changed over time; many Jedi, such as Master Odan-Urr , annotated even the sacred texts. Much was added to the Jedi canon over time, giving rise to the belief that the Aionomicum II doubled in size during its compilation. During the Hundred-Year Darkness , the Sith were born. Once brothers in the Force, [31] the Sith Order was founded by a rogue Jedi who had come to the understanding that the true power of the Force lay not in contemplation and passivity, [14] and instead sought abandon and strength through the dark side of the Force.

These weapons, along with the crystals, were destroyed and a thousand years later believed by many Jedi to be merely legends. About five-thousand years before the Battle of Yavin , [71] the Order eventually came to be headquartered at Coruscant, wherein they built a Temple that would pose as their main hub for thousands of generations. In truth, that power had seeped upward and outward since its entombment, infiltrating the hallways and rooms above, and weakening the Jedi Order for millennia without their knowledge.

The Jedi Knights protected the galaxy as the guardians of peace and justice since the time of the Old Republic. It was during this time that the Jedi Order came into the service of what would be later called the Old Republic. Promising to uphold its ideals, the Jedi fought to maintain peace and freedom.

It even mentions a jedi living for thousands of years, but obviously that was an alien. Either way, that certainly implies to me that the force can in fact impact lifespan. It might not benefit everyone the same way, but clearly there is potential to benefit greatly from the force in terms of lifespan.

Floyder , Jul 15, Registered: Apr 28, Qui Gon was pretty spry for a 60 year old, but Obi Wan completely lost it by Maybe it's injuries from the war, maybe it's Living Force. Registered: Aug 31, Stress can take a toll on anyone.

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Priority Access. Sign-up to access pre-sales to select new shows and ticket releases. Disney Guest Services. Discover More Magic. The Lion King London. Frozen the Musical. Mary Poppins the Musical. Beauty and the Beast the Musical. On a quest to rebuild the Jedi Order, you must pick up the pieces of your shattered past to complete your training, develop new powerful Force abilities, and master the art of the iconic lightsaber - all while staying one step ahead of the Empire and its deadly Inquisitors.

They will showcase unparalleled load-times, visuals, responsiveness, and framerates up to FPS. Cal Kestis—one of the last surviving members of the Jedi Order after the purge of Order 66—is now a Padawan on the run. Pick up the pieces of your shattered past and complete your Jedi training, all while staying one step ahead of the Empire and its deadly Inquisitors.

The Empire seeks to eradicate all Jedi after the execution of Order You, a Jedi Padawan-turned-fugitive, must fight for your survival as you explore the mysteries of a long-extinct civilization in hopes of rebuilding the Jedi Order.

Utilize your Jedi training to overcome your opponents and solve the mysteries that lay in your path.


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