The sign of the cross is an expression of faith. A wedding ring is an outward sign of an unseen reality. Similarly, the sign of the cross , at least in Lutheranism, conveys no special power on its own.
Also see Are Lutherans Born Again? Martin Luther encouraged Christians to make the sign of the cross routinely. Luther even said making the sign of the cross is the first thing believers should do when waking up in the morning and the last thing they should do at night.
For this purpose it also helps to form the habit of commending ourselves each day to God — our soul and body, spouse, children, servants, and all that we have — for his protection against every conceivable need. This is why the Benedicite, the Gratias, and other evening and morning blessings were also introduced and have continued among us.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America also points out that Luther encouraged making the sign of the cross at baptism and during ordination services see below.
Also see Do Lutherans Drink Alcohol? Lutherans who practice the gesture, to extend the analogy used above, view it more like a wedding ring. Lots of Christians who wear wedding rings realize there is no biblical basis for wearing them. There are three Bible verses commonly cited in reference to making the sign of the cross. To be clear, not all, or even most Lutherans, who make the gesture believe these verses describe the practice.
Yet a minority found in different Christian traditions do. The sign of the cross is found in the early church, including in the writings of Tertullian and Chrysostom. Also see Do Lutherans Pray the Rosary? Yet whatever a person decides, the gesture is still an important part of Lutheran history:. The ELCA points out that Luther taught the sign of the cross could be made on at least three occasions [5]:. Wengert, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, ], pp. Salvation is one of the most important doctrines in the Lutheran tradition.
Jesus Christ died on the cross to save people from sin 1 John Some people wonder: Can a person lose their salvation A bride and and groom make the sign of the cross. Luther encouraged Christians to make the sign of the cross. Continue Reading. Then touch the center of your chest. Reach over to touch your left shoulder and then back to your right shoulder.
For churches in the Eastern tradition, start by touching your forehead and chest in the same way. About Lutheran Crosses. The use of holy water in some synods of Lutheranism is for the baptism of infants and new members of the church. The water is believed to be blessed by God, as it is used in a sacrament. Lutherans tend to have holy water fonts at the entrance of the church. Among Lutherans the practice was widely retained.
For example, Luther's Small Catechism states that it is expected before the morning and evening prayers. What did the sign say on the cross? John states that this was written in three languages: Hebrew, Latin and Greek and was put on the cross of Jesus.
When did the sign of the cross originate? Sign of the cross, a gesture of ancient Christian origin by which people bless themselves, others, or objects. Cyprian explained the ritual in the 3rd century by reference to Christ's redemptive death on the cross.
Do Anglicans make the sign of the cross? Anglicans are in a direct line of spiritual and institutional descent from those early days of the church. So Anglicans are in good company making the sign of the cross.
Do Protestants pray to Mary? Protestant theologians. Some early Protestants venerated and honored Mary. We also grant that she should be honored, since we, according to Saint Paul's words [Romans 12] are indebted to show honor one to another for the sake of the One who dwells in us, Jesus Christ.
Therefore we have an obligation to honor Mary. What is the difference between a cross and crucifix? A cross is simply a cross -shaped piece of jewellery without a figure on it. This is the crucial difference. A crucifix is a cross with a depiction of Jesus on it; sometimes engraved but most commonly in relief, i. Can a lay person bless with the sign of the cross? Blessing for the life of a family are done by parents.