If an adult offender is given a caution, a caution can stay on a DBS certificate for around six years. Any individual who has received a caution for a crime involving moral turpitude or a controlled drug offense will be ineligible to travel to the U. S on ESTA, regardless of the date of the caution. Allegations are not disclosed on basic or standard DBS certificates. An allegation or pending matter may be disclosed on an enhanced DBS certificate at the discretion of the police.
In the event that you are 18 years or older and have received an adult caution including reprimands and warnings , such a caution will not be declared on your DBS certificate if: six years have elapsed since the date of the caution, and.
If a person is under the age of 18, cautions can last on their criminal record for two years. The new rules mean reprimands and final warnings, issued to under 18s and since replaced by youth cautions, will never be disclosed on standard and enhanced checks, regardless of the offence. He received a youth referral order. His conviction will continue to be disclosed on standard or enhanced checks because he was convicted of an offence that is on the list of offences that cannot be filtered.
He was convicted of drug possession in when he was 25 and paid a fine. His youth caution will never be disclosed on standard or enhanced checks. His conviction for drug possession will be removed from checks in — 11 years after the date of conviction. Three years later, he was convicted of drink driving again and was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison, suspended for a year. His second conviction will always be disclosed because he received a suspended prison sentence.
As an independent charity we do not seek or accept government funding enabling us to hold government, agencies and others to account. If you would like to provide a voice and support for people facing stigma and discrimination because of their criminal record please make a donation through theBigGive.
Knowledge Base. The guidelines that police must use when deciding whether to disclose information can be found here. The filtering guidance was updated on 28 November as follows:. Employers may want to consider adjusting their recruitment procedures to reflect the changes in filtering rules for Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks. Job application forms relating to positions that are eligible for a Standard or Enhanced DBS Check will need to reflect the new rules so that:. There is more guidance on this, including some template questions, in the DBS filtering guide.
You can find further information in the Guidance on the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and the Exceptions Order This outlines which convictions must be declared when applying for jobs, as well as any exceptions to the filtering rules. Cautions for non-specified offences given to those aged 18 or over will be eligible for filtering after six years.
Convictions for non-specified offences will be eligible for filtering after:. As with convictions, multiple cautions can be filtered, as long as the offences in question are eligible for filtering and the relevant period of time has elapsed for each one.
Each caution is processed separately. Examples of offences NOT eligible for filtering also known as specified offences include:. The full list of offences that will never be filtered from a DBS Check can be found here. There are also a few positions where filtering from DBS Checks does not apply and all convictions and cautions may be taken into account, for example those in national security or the police.
Whether a caution or conviction is filtered from a DBS Check will depend on the type and age of the offence. Furthermore, job applicants have no legal obligation to disclose to their employer any caution or conviction which would be filtered. The information contained in our blogs have been provided for information purposes only.
This information does not constitute legal, professional, or commercial advice. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the content is up to date, useful and accurate, uCheck gives no guarantees, undertakings, or warranties in this regard, or, for any loss or damage caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with reliance on the use of such information.
Back to Blogs. A Comprehensive Guide. What do DBS Checks show? So, what stops a DBS Check showing cautions? The DBS caution and conviction filtering system In May , the government introduced a filtering system.