Wait, actually after fifty moves without any capture or pawn movement the players can also continue playing without claiming the draw Q1: Yes. The total number of chess games can be considered infinite for all practical purposes. We don't have the technology to brute force over the first 13 moves from the initial position.
Q2: The actual numbers all the way up to depth 13 is known. The exact number of possible positions for the 10th moves is 69,,,, Read this Wikipedia article for more details. There is an attempt for depth 14 but so far the calculation after months and months is still running. Due to the move rule, any move subsequence of a given chess game will contain at least one capture or a pawn move.
Since there are finitely many pieces on the board, and since pawns can move only finitely many times during a game, the number of moves in a chess game has a finite bound.
Since in each move, there are only finitely many possibilities, the numbers of all games is finite. Note that this argument is almost useless if one wants to get an estimate on the number of possible games. If for nothing else, the only thing I use above is the move rule and how the pieces move, so the repetitions are allowed max. Hence, the argument is just theoretical, not practical. Same applies to repetition. Ergo, infinite. On understanding FIDE laws-First they are for use with tournament play- so given that information do you understand how FIDE laws doesn't relate to two friends who decide to play?
For two friends, who whittle down to two kings only, they can chase each other around the board an infinite amount if they wished.
Plausible-not really, possible-yes. On FIDE law 9. This obviously wouldn't be a "move game" e. One of the first evidence of a recorded game went 14 consecutive moves 1. Bd3 f5 4. Qh5 g6 6. The answer is "No.
Why would anyone NEED to know? God might know - so we could pray for guidance. Thats it! I've sold my soul.. I hope you got change out of that fiver I got a pound ruby..
But spent it on a bag o' crisps. Log In or Join. Forums Hot Topics. Most Recent. Have you Checkmated someone before?
If you have, which piece did you use? Illegal Position Contest! I am so good at chess ActionVolt 30 min ago. Who has the most passports MasterMatthew52 35 min ago. Is a great move better than a best move? MasterMatthew52 37 min ago. In that paper he came up with an estimate that the number of games of chess would be 10 That actually beats the number of atoms in the known universe which is estimated to be 10 78 to 10 82 atoms. But how did Mr. Claude came up with the number 10 ? Well, the first thing Shannon did was to look at some games of chess.
After some intense thinking, he noticed that on average, in any position, there are about 30 legal moves you can make. Take for this illustrative example below:. Black to move has 37 possibilities to choose from. You can try it for yourself.
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