The public performance right allows the copyright holder to control the public performance of certain copyrighted works. The scope of the performance right is limited to the following types of works:. Under the public performance right, a copyright holder is allowed to control when the work is performed "publicly.
Thus, it would be a violation of the public performance right in a motion picture to rent a video and to show it in a public park or theater without obtaining a license from the copyright holder. In contrast, the performance of the video on a home TV where friends and family are gathered would not be considered a "public" performance and would not be prohibited under the Copyright Act. The public performance right is generally held to cover computer software, since software is considered a literary work under the Copyright Act.
In addition, many software programs fall under the definition of an audio visual work. The application of the public performance right to software has not be fully developed, except that it is clear that a publicly available video game is controlled by this right. The public display right is similar to the public performance right, except that this right controls the public "display" of a work. This right is limited to the following types of works:.
The definition of when a work is displayed "publicly" is the same as that described above in connection with the right of public performance. Overall, with artists such as Richard Price and cases such as Cariou v. Prince existing, the line between derivative and transformative can become blurred.
Give us a call today! If you are a company able to pay a reasonable legal fee each month, please contact us today. Yes No. Can Derivative Works Be Copyrighted? Copyright A Derivative Work While creating a derivative work requires authorization, the right to register a copyright in a derivative work requires no such authority.
Derivative v. Transformative Works One issue that often arises is whether a derivative work is actually derivative, or rather new and different enough to be considered completely transformative. Yes No Due to current volume we are unable to offer free consultation. In these cases you do not need to seek permission. If you are the author of the preexisting work and you still own the copyright, then you can create any adaptation or derivate work anytime you like.
Many authors create derivative works from their own material. Take sequels for instance. Harry Potter, Twilight, and Percy Jackson — all sequels or series, all derivatives written by the authors of the original books. But be advised, if you are the author and you licensed the exclusive right to create a derivative work to someone else, you are prevented from creating the derivative work.
If the underlying work is in the public domain, then no permission is needed. Creative work enters the public domain when the creator gives up the rights to the work, or the copyright expires. Under these scenarios, no permission is needed to use the creative work.
In the U. If the work is published anonymously, the copyright will last for 95 years from publication or years from creation whichever is shorter. After those time periods, the work enters the public domain.
For example, books by Jane Austen, classical music by Bach, paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, or plays by Shakespeare are in the public domain although recreations of these may not be.
Likewise, U. If you need more information on Permissions , see my earlier article. If the derivative work falls within fair use, then no permission is needed. These exceptions are known as fair use. Generally, something is considered fair use if the use is for purpose of criticism, parody, news reporting, classroom teaching, scholarship, or research.
Here are two articles about fair use if you need more information: US Copyright Office and Stanford University , or see my earlier article on Permissions. A derivative work is entitled to a separate copyright.