Basketball when can you sub

Jeff Haefner — January 27, am. Depends on age level, situation, etc. There are lots of factors to consider and often using more than one method to substitute it best. With my young kids, sometimes I start the top 5. Sometimes we do 5 in and then 5 out.

Sometimes I start the bottom 5 depending on competition level. Sometimes I start the 5 players that gave the most effort in practice that week.

Sometimes we play equal minutes. Sometimes I mix top and bottom players together and keep the team pretty much the same level the whole game. I am on a middle school girls basketball team and I don't play that much, sometimes never. But the sad thing is I am first off the bench. So no one plays behind me either. Some games my coach doesn't sub at all unless we have taken a 20 point lead and no less.

When I do go in it's with all the bad players so I can't show my true potential. At most in a close game 6 of the 12 people on my team will play including the starters. He only subs post. I don't understand. Then in the locker room he lowers our self-esteem even more by saying he didn't want to risk the game by putting us in or he didn't think we could handle it. Also when we lose he blames it on him saying he shouldn't have subbed in me or another girl.

I try to show him in practice but I am put on a team with not as good players so again I can't show him my talent. Please help!! What do I do just take it. I'm only 13 and trying to really get up there, I've been playing basketball since 3rd grade.

Kerry, I would find a time that believes in fairly equal playing time. A player is never going to develop on the bench. I also don't believe in "competitive" at that age. What's more competitive, the kids or the adults? She's on a competitive 4th grade team, and there are many times that neither she or I understand why she is removed from the game. For example, she is a very aggressive defensive player and rarely allows the other team to score.

She rarely fouls. But, at the last game she got two fouls on her in the first period they play 4 periods.

The coach pulled her and only put her back in the game for a few minutes. He never gave her an explanation, and since she's only 9-years-old she doesn't understand what she did wrong. Even though she's only 9 - she is also smart and realizes that she wasn't the only girl on the team to make fouls that game. And, that some of the other girls foul every game and they do not get pulled from the game.

Shouldn't he have explained to her why she was sitting? As a Middle School Coach, I also do not discuss playing time, so my advice would be to not do it. The point is there are many reasons, could be something he saw, could be something from practice, could just be a gut feeling, could be he was trying a different combination.

If he was focused on the game he might not even remember the exact reason. I coach 3rd and 4th grade girls. We have 14 kids. How can I get a pattern of substitution that will allow for equal playing time? It is required in our league and I firmly believe in it!. So i beleive subs are a very important part of the coachs strategies. Coaches, I'm looking for a 9 man sub rotation plan.

I have one PG and have back-ups for the rest 2,3,4,5. My 2G can play the Point in order to rest the starting PG. Concerned about keeping starters out of foul trouble and at the same time getting 4 on the bench valuable varsity minutes. Please email me at mdmckinley hotmail. I make out a substitution pattern for all my games. I don't like for my players to have to go more than 3 or 4 minutes without coming out for at least or a minute.

I like doing this because it helps me to get more players in the game and also allows me to control who is on the floor making sure to always have each position covered. My backup pg is also my starting 2 guard so this helps me to make sure not to have both of them out at one time. Coach Davis, Please understand that in order for players to learn, they will make mistakes. They need to play out of their comfort zone and learn things they can and can't do at this age level.

If you take them out whenever they make a mistake, you get a scared, timid player. If you don't, you could be hurting the players and the team's future. The reason I say this is that so much happens between ages 14 to Somebody who is riding the bench right now may have the most potential, but is developing slower than others.

If this player doesn't get playing time, how does he improve? And never punish a kid for a disagreement that you have with a parent, that is extremely unfair to the child. He is also a former sportswriter with writing experience in basketball, baseball, softball, golf and other popular sports.

By: James Patterson. Published: 05 December, More Articles. Home Sports Basketball. Basketball is characterised by its fast pace. This is mainly due to the time rules, which specify how long certain actions may last. As soon as the ball enters play, the shot clock starts counting down from 24, which is the maximum amount of time an offensive play is allowed to last.

The 24 second shot clock is reset once the ball touches the rim of the basket. It is also reset for ball possession changes, fouls or when a player touches the ball with their foot.

When a team gains possession of the ball, they need to move the ball into the opposing team's half of the court within 8 seconds. During an attack, the defending players may remain in the opponent's zone for a maximum of three seconds. It does not matter whether they are in possession of the ball or not.

Referees, however, are often generous with this rule and rarely penalise infringements, especially at a high level. On an inbound pass, a player may only hold on the ball for a maximum of 5 seconds.

In the game, if a player is closely guarded, they must start dribbling, passing the ball or attempting a shot within five seconds. Upon violation of this rule, an inbound pass is awarded to the oppossing team.

If the ball or the player with the ball touches the ground on or behind the sideline, the ball is out of bounds.


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