In certain social settings at this age, like sleepovers or summer camps, a teen with a history of night terrors may feel some anxiety or embarrassment. It may help to consult with a doctor to help identify triggers or other contributing health conditions. Adults experience night terrors much less frequently than young children.
Adults with a childhood history of night terrors may have a recurrence of the episodes, triggered by stress, sleep deprivation, or the development of another sleep disorder.
As with adolescents, sleep terrors in adults may be of particular concern due to a greater risk of injury to oneself or other household members if violent behavior occurs during the episode. Rarely, adolescents and adults may recall details of the night terror. Like other parasomnias, there is some evidence that night terrors have a genetic component and are more likely to occur in individuals who have a family history of parasomnia , specifically a parent or sibling.
Additionally, people who have other sleep disorders like nocturnal asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or gastroesophageal reflux are increasingly recognized in those with night terrors. In particular, obstructive sleep apnea OSA , a breathing disorder, is present in more than one-half of children who are referred to doctors for sleep terrors. In general, there is no significant association between night terrors and psychological disorders, in contrast to what has been suggested in other types of parasomnias.
While the conditions described above can predispose someone for parasomnias, a number of factors have been shown to trigger them:. Most children will outgrow night terror episodes, without treatment, and prevalence rates drop steeply in adolescents and adults.
However, seeking medical advice about night terrors should always be considered, particularly in the following scenarios:. A diagnosis can usually be made by reporting symptoms and sleep behaviors to your doctor. Other tests may be recommended if a person is experiencing other symptoms, such as sleep apnea, bedwetting, or seizures.
A referral to a sleep specialist may be needed to rule out other sleep disorders or diagnose underlying health conditions. Knowing how to respond to night terrors in the moment is beneficial to minimize adverse events when they occur and thankfully the episodes are generally self-limited. However, do not try to wake a child during a night terror. Attempts at arousal may make the episode last longer or provoke a physical response that could lead to injury.
Most often these episodes are short, and your child will fall quickly back to sleep. Make sure other caregivers and family members also know what to do if a night terror occurs. Parents should be assured that treatment may not be needed for children who experience night terrors less than twice per month.
Most children will naturally outgrow these episodes as they get older and their nervous systems develop. Better sleep habits can reduce the likelihood of night terrors, facilitate better growth and development, and establish healthy sleep routines as your child grows up.
Given that sleep deprivation is a known trigger of night terrors, improving sleep quality is a common approach for addressing more frequent night terrors. A doctor can help determine whether any underlying medical conditions are contributing to the parasomnia, and offer a specific treatment plan. In some cases, medications may be considered for children with persistent night terrors.
Some children respond to treatment with drugs like sedatives and certain antidepressants. Adolescents and adults who experience repeated night terrors may benefit from working with a sleep specialist who can help to identify whether there is an underlying cause that can be treated. They may also prescribe therapy to manage the symptoms of night terrors.
A doctor or sleep specialist may ask you to keep a sleep diary , which is a record of your recent sleep habits and how sleep is affecting your daily life. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. But not just any nightmare. The fight-or-flight response is fully activated.
Sleep terrors may be over in a few seconds or may last several minutes. They have no pattern, striking once a week, a few times a year, or — in rare cases — several times a week. You may wonder if your child will grow out of their sleep terrors? Here are some tips for understanding and coping with the strange sleep behaviors that occur at all ages, but most often in childhood. Not at all, says Brubaker. Children with night terrors scream or cry out and are inconsolable — even though they may be calling out for the very person who is trying to help.
This is because, although he may be wide-eyed and possibly out of bed flailing his arms and body, a child experiencing a night terror is still asleep. Night terrors are most common in children between the ages of 3 and 5 because this is the age when the majority of children make the transition from one nap a day to no naps at all.
The terrors are a result of the child not being able to go through the sleep cycle properly. Children who become overly tired will fall into a deep sleep very quickly, and when it's time for the sleep cycle to change, part of the child's brain wants to remain in this deep sleep—forcing a battle in the sleep cycle.
As quickly as the terror begins, in a few minutes it is over and the child goes back to sleep. Unlike a nightmare, the child does not remember the night terror the next morning.
Make sure the bedroom or area where the child sleeps is safe, just in case he starts sleepwalking. Talk slowly in a soft and comforting voice, play lullaby music or read from a favorite book to help bring your child back to a calm state.
Cuddling with your child may actually prolong the terror episode. During a night terror, your child is feeling trapped or chased, and holding him will reinforce these feelings, making the night terror more traumatic. Because night terrors typically occur at the same time every night, parents can be proactive by waking up their child about 30 minutes before the terror is likely to occur.
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