Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content. Stay tuned for the adventures to come. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Next Goodbyes. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Intelligent, technological life might create atmospheric pollution, as it does on our planet, also detectable from afar.
Of course, the best we might be able to manage is an estimate of probability. Still, an exoplanet with, say, a 95 percent probability of life would be a game changer of historic proportions. Life might turn up in our own neighborhood: beneath the Martian surface , perhaps, or in the dark, subsurface oceans of Jupiter's moon, Europa. Or maybe the dream of the ages will come true, and we'll eavesdrop on the communications of extraterrestrial civilizations.
We might even capture evidence of "technosignatures," or traces of technology think smog. Barring these strokes of luck, however, the job will be much harder. Light will be the key — light from the atmospheres of exoplanets, split up into a rainbow spectrum that we can read like a bar code. This method, called transit spectroscopy, would provide a menu of gases and chemicals in the skies of these worlds, including those linked to life.
For example, when Drake wrote his equation, scientists didn't know for sure if stars other than the sun had planets around them; now, researchers have evidence that most stars host planets. But science wasn't the only thing that influenced Drake — even current events factor into his calculation.
At the heart of the search for life elsewhere in the universe is the question " Is Earth unique? Stanley discussed the history of humanity's evolving view of its place in the cosmos at the American Physical Society April Meeting on Saturday April 16 , in a session focused on recent discoveries in planetary science. Humans once thought that the Earth was not only unique, but at the center of the entire universe, Stanley said. Scientific investigations eventually showed that our planet is not even at the center of its own solar system — it is one of seven other planets and many smaller bodies orbiting the sun.
On the other hand, in the last 20 years, scientists have discovered thousands of planets around other stars, and most of those planets are not like Earth they're big and gaseous, like Jupiter. And most solar systems are not like Earth's solar system big planets orbit close to their parent star, whereas in Earth's solar system, the large planets orbit further out.
Does this suggest that Earth is unique? Stanley said that currently, this question is difficult to answer, because telescopes that search for exoplanets have a selection bias toward large, gas giant planets that orbit very close to their parent stars. With current technologies, these types of planets are easier to detect. With that in mind, scientists are still trying to estimate how many rocky and Earth-like planets are out there. By one estimation, for every grain of sand on Earth, there could be as many as 10 Earth-like planets in the universe.
Exposure to ultraviolet B damages DNA, but this wavelength is mostly absorbed by the ozone layer. Kenrick said, 'In the search for life in the solar system, one strategy is to follow the water. Liquid water may exist below the dry surface of Mars and the frozen surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.
The search for life has broadened to consider worlds far from the Sun. Explore Museum research into the origins and evolution of life on Earth, and the complex workings of our galaxy. Museum geologists investigate Iceland's volcanic landscape, and ask whether life could have formed under similar conditions on Mars. Cold, dark and windswept - despite its calm appearance, the ice giant Uranus is a planet of extremes.
Artist Michael Benson explores the 'alchemy' used to transform space agency data into colour images of our solar system. Get email updates about our news, science, exhibitions, events, products, services and fundraising activities. You must be over the age of Privacy notice.
Smart cookie preferences. Change cookie preferences Accept all cookies. Skip to content. Read later. You don't have any saved articles. Water Almost all the processes that make up life on Earth can be broken down into chemical reactions - and most of those reactions require a liquid to break down substances so they can move and interact freely.
Diamonds are an allotrope of carbon. Carbon Many complex molecules are needed to perform the thousands of functions sustaining complex life.
Carbon molecules are also strong and stable, so they are perfect to build a body with. Nitrogen Carbon is a fundamental component of organic compounds, but it can't do it alone. Many bacteria can convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a form that is used in living cells.
Phosphorus Phosphorus is a key component of adenosine triphosphate ATP , an organic substance that acts as life's molecular unit of currency.