Which is better issa or nasm

Good evening and thank you for your time. I have no interest in working in any mainstream gyms. My goal is to be able to provide training from post rehab to peak performance for my previous patients and future clients. What are your thoughts? Hey Nat, if you are working with high-end athletes and you are looking to perfect that craft.

The only thing is that you do need a bachelors degree in order to be eligible to take this exam. Thank you so much. I think that any of the top General personal training certifications would work for your needs whether it be the National Academy of sports medicine, the international sports Sciences Association for the American Council on exercise are all fantastic options. None of them at the beginning level will Tailor exactly to your knees as a physiotherapist.

But they all provide fantastic Base information that will help you on your way towards becoming a great personal trainer. Although ISSA seems to have a strength and conditioning specialization too. How would you compare these two?

If they are comparable. Thank you! Hey Anthony, this strength and conditioning certification from the international sports Sciences Association is also a viable option. If you can though, I recommend getting the CSCS certification as it is the most recognized strength and conditioning certification. But, you do need a four-year degree in order to get it.

Thank you for all this wonderful information! I have also taught group fitness classes for 3 years. I have seen different information about NASM being accredited and not-accredited. Does accreditation matter if you want to start your own business? Hey Hayley, Meditation can matter in some situations such as if you are being hired as an employee. Although, the National Academy of Sports medicine is very recognized as an organization and most people accept it even though the nutrition certification is not yet accredited.

In terms of clients, they will not know the difference between any certification weather is accredited or is not accredited.

My goal is to become a very knowledgeable CPT. I saw you previously stated that you needed a 2 year degree to get that kind of certification.

I want to eventually be on my own and have my own business after getting certified and getting my feet wet working through a gym for the first couple months or until I build up my clientele and business. The most important thing about becoming a well-known and successful personal trainer is the knowledge and dedication you put in year after year.

The certification is just to get your foot in the door. That being said, the three for one deal is definitely a good one because you can get multiple certifications for a very low price. Thank you in advance. These are some excellent questions. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the National Academy of sports medicine has for a limited time the ability to take the exam online. And since they are so well recognized this is definitely an opportunity I would jump on if I were you.

I have zero knowledge but I love to work out and really want to have a certificate to work with it. I would go with ISSA as they do have a fantastic transformation specialist certification that helps with body building that you can get alongside the general personal training certification. This seems like the route that would best suit you.

Im looking for more nutrition based knowledge with PTC as a bonus.. My focus would primarily be online clients and friends and family at first. Any Help would be awesome. Both nutrition certifications are great. The National Academy of sports medicine is still really well recognized. If you decide to work with friends and families that want to focus on sports-related goals, I would go with the international sports Sciences Association.

I live in Canada, can I write the Nasm exam in Canada? I see something in their site that says they have something called Uproctor, but I am unsure if this is only during covid? About one out of every three people do not pass the National Academy of sports medicine.

Hi, Good news. Now ISSA is great choice for certification. Absolutely, they were a great choice before, but now they are even better. NCCA Accreditation was a huge move. Post Content. Certification focus. The price of the certifications. Recertification Requirements and Continuity Education. Certification Focus. Popularity and Industry Recognition. Quality of the Study Materials Provided. The Price of the Certifications. NASM Price. ISSA Price. The Test Information and Requirements.

Recertification Requirements and Continuing Education. Recertifying with NASM. Recertifying with ISSA. Sorry, no results found. Try to refine your search filters. Group Fitness Instructor Career — What is a group fitness instructor? Nutrition Coach Salary — How much can you make in ? Health Coach Salary — How much can you make in Nutrition Coach career — And how to start and be successful. Hiring other trainers and staff for your gym.

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How much does Issa certification cost? Is the ISSA final exam open book? How long does ISSA certification last? What does Issa stand for cleaning? What is the full form of Issa? What is ISSA certification?

What is Issa look? What does Issa mean in sports? If you want a piece of paper, Photoshop one yourself. If you want knowledge and professional transformation, ISSA is worth every penny. While any system can be gamed by cheaters, for people who take their career seriously, ISSA will take you as far as you are willing to go. Fitness training is easy. Fitness training well is hard. I have also taken the ISSA exam. The reason is that the exam is open book, online, save as you go. This is simply not true due to the fact that a person must truly understand and be able to pull from memory information from all the varioius topics in a limited time frame when taking any of these tests.

I have actually had want-to-be trainers approach me and offer to pay me to take the ISSA exam for them so that they can be "certified", simply because they know I have had to study hard and truly understand the various elements of training to pass my certifications.

ISSA's textbook is good and the material is fine, but their testing format is such that I would never accept a person who only had this certification. Rating Wow, Mr. While I can understand your thinking to a point, never considering hiring one seems kind of harsh. I find that to be kind of offensive. This was a very intense course for me, as I studied hard and read and re-read.

I don't take things like this lightly. Education is not cheap. I have to be honest, I have a BS degree in Biology Pre-Med track , and although I graduated with honors, this course took me back to school. Big time. Not only that, I am very serious about my health and fitness, the struggles I have had, and my desire to help others.

It would be more fair to evaluate trainers individually as opposed to lumping them all into one category simply because you think they all cheat. Dept of Education. ISSA also offers better business development for its members. Some exams also require as part of the final exam a video to answer questions. I have just completed my exam and mailed it in, I have not yet found out if i passed yet or not but I would like to say that those people that believe that the ISSA exam atleast for the SSC exam is easy, they are wrong.

The program design case studies will demontrate what type of trainer you really are. Training video: demonstrating youe knowledge as a trainer, how you interact with the athlete in the video, your exercise choices, your teaching ability to the athlete for specific lifts.

All of which can be found in the text book, but in looking for the answers you automatically review the material that was studied throughout the course. Also unlike other certifications you MUST complete chapter quizes in order to complete the course, you cannot just walk in and challenge the exam. They force you to learn before you go for your exam. I would not say this certification would make you an automatic expert but it gives you an excellent base of knowledge to start besides, no certification in the world makes you an "expert", unless that certification requires you to have in field experience, a degree etc In reality a trainer will not sit down with a client at a consultation and write a GOOD program infront of that client.

Every trainer has the ability to gather information, go home or to the office and strategically plan a successful program for the client, with this the good trainers should continuously reference textbooks and training techniques because event the brightest of people forget little details from time to time. Rating ISSA is good and I worked for Spetrum in San Antonio by: Anonymous I like how people think because some exam seems to have more weight or because it is an open book exam, it is no good.

One poster said education isn't cheap. That poster was right. There are quite a few programs out there that are very revered and yet they are open book test so get over it. It really is about the individual trainer and what they retain!!!

Rating Surprised by: Anonymous Very surprised at the comment that someone out of high school could easily breeze through this material. My falther-in-law looked at my new material and was very impressed. He has his phD in Physics. I love the courses so far and feel confident with the material. I'm one of those people that sincerely study and take the quizes and tests with as little help as possible. Also, you can pay and go to a seminar and have the exam proctored. Just my two cents.

Good luck to all. I almost threw up from the first 3 units I'm studying in the CPT going all the way for my master certification. My entire family are biology majors, biochemist, dentist, health related carrer fields, etc.

I don't think that this certification should be dismissed. If gyms, companies, etc. Just because someone may have another certification doesn't mean that they retained the knowledge. I'm busting my butt just to memorize everything and be able to relay it in medical and layman's terms. Alot of institutions in San Antonio, TX don't want to look at you if you haven't completed at least a B.

Companies don't want to be sued because they hired someone "not qualified" And p. Rating Issa assoicate degree?? I don't know how legit it is, if you can put the credits towards a BS, and after completing it how does that go towards being a CPT???

Please help. These mean nothing without years of experience Experience is living it and training all types of athletes on different training platforms.. I know the cert doesn't make the trainer. They are long, but everyone passes them, but even they did have a time limit on them. It you can read you should be able to pass a take home untimed test.

Everyone who takes it seems to do really well. The pass rate is probably really high. I hadn't seen a person on any forum who has taken the exam, fail it. It being open book and untimed does seem like they are just giving certs away. I know personal trainers aren't doctors, but would you trust a doctor with an online degree. What I am most frustrated with is not the quizzes, it's the textbook. Somebody needs to go through and rewrite this book.

Lots of information, and I do feel like I'll have a good grasp of biomechanics and training when I'm done, but geez it's been painful. Rating issa for 5months by: Anonymous i just started the exercise therapy and rehab certification, and fitness nutrition. But here's the thing.. The point is I could be hired by someone looking to get certified by them and do their final exam for them.

All you would have to do is find someone who is knowledgeable on the material, pay them some money to take the exam, and BOOM you're certified. That's why I would never hire someone off certification alone but in my opinion ISSA does lose some credibility because their certification process is flawed in my opinion.

Rating Agreement by: Alexander I agree with a lot of the views on this page. You work hard. I had 2 books and you have to make 5 workout plans, essays, etc. It is really difficult compared to other Trainer Certifications. So why do so many gyms overlook ISSA and go for these "lesser" "un advanced" certifications?

I don't understand it. You go over a little bit of everything in ISSA, and just the basics with others. It makes no since that gyms will hire others because of this.

Personally I believe there is some biased stuff going on, like gyms hiring young blond girls with little or no experience or like one gym I know of hiring a high school student, just because he played baseball.

He had no certification. That is wrong. Because a lot of us trainers worked hard to get where we are at and are still not making enough to live on. It's just messed up. I am not taking the course, but my son is working his way through it.

With his experience coaching wrestling, he will be a great trainer. Open book tests are usually more difficult for that reason. I would rather take a closed book test any time. Cheaters will cheat on tests, and if they are poor trainers, they will get fired by any decent business. The essays force you to do research and go outside of their text, which is a learning experience in itself.

The nutritional side of any program is difficult because what works for some will not work for others and you can't be there with clients when they eat. Overall, I agree that is itsn't what certifications you have, it is what you learn and can apply with clients. People generally don't care about your certification; they just want to see results.

It is up to us to broaden our horizons and make ourselves marketable. The test has questions on it such as, "Why do men have slower heart rates than women? You have to think about what you've learned about stroke volume and physiological adaptations to exercise to answer that question. Men have larger hearts and lungs and, therefore, higher stroke volumes. Since more blood is pushed through with each heart beat, their hearts do not have to beat as fast.

You're told that you have a client who can only exercise for 20 minutes and that he has been doing resistance training consistently for a year. Then you're given a multiple choice list of mainly resistance exercises and told to choose a, b, c, or d. How do you answer the question when the choices only vary slightly? Obviously, you would choose the choice that would allow the client to work as many muscle groups as possible during that 20 minutes. Since he has one year of experience with resistance training, you'd choose the choice that provides one power, two core, and one assisted exercise.

The assisted exercise allows him to work his biceps. Further, the NSCA knows what few other organizations know: aerobic exercise are resistance exercises; they are muscular endurance exercises. Does ISSA let you know that? Also, how many questions are on a test and how many questions you must answer correct to pass a test is not a gauge of the comparative difficulty of tests. Some tests may require you to answer fewer questions correctly, because the test is so difficult that even those with college degrees in exercise science tend to miss a high percentage of the questions, i.

Further, many of you do not seem to understand the accreditation process. To get accreditation the tests must meet certain standards. Those standards also relate to how the test were put together, how the test makers chose and determined the difficulty of the questions, the importance of the questions to the job, etc.

So the accreditation agency looks at how the organization validated the questions and how reliable tests are. Would you receive the same score of an ISSA test if you took it both as an open book test and as a closed book proctored exam?

If not, it then the test is not reliable nor valid. Earn an NCCA certification from the start. After that, it will not matter as much from whom you earn your other certs. I have been certified by the ISSA for years now and can't say enough good things about their courses, tests, certifications and especially their service.

They go above and beyond to help us, even after we've "taken their test. How you personally apply yourself and use the knowledge and skills you were taught is what makes a good trainer, doctor or plumber for that matter. The ISSA has incredible educational programs leading to certifications and now offers a nationally accredited Associates Degree in Exercise Science with an emphasis on Personal Training. In fact, every NCCA accredited fitness organization must post that on their website.

The reason is because NCCA accredits a test and if the organization giving the test requires that you take their course, they can teach and drill you with sample questions just to "pass the test. That, unfortunately leaves our incredible fitness profession without ANY educational requirements. If you're 18 years old, hold a valid CPR card and have a pulse, you don't need to take any courses or classes or quizzes - just pass the test.

Buy test questions online and memorize questions and answers and you'll most likely pass. Its true and esearch has proven that we all look for the easiest way out…. Requiring education is a good thing. I wouldn't be so quick to say, earning your NCCA certification first, is best. I personally believe, taking classes, courses, quizzes and developing a knowledge of the subject is better for me than just studying just to pass a test.

They not only REQUIRE education and have developed fair, valid and reliable test questions, they offer proctored exams for those who need a proctored exam to get a job.


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