Where is spectral bear wow

I wish you all the best of luck. Comment by Eyulra Actually, on Uldum server, if anyone has Arcturis tamed as a pet, it'll pop up on NPC-Scan as a tamable mob instead of a false alarm..

It happened around 6pm server time at the Amberpine local and myself and another hunter were hunting for him like mad, thinking he had spawned but he was just a pet. I started camping him at about pm the following night. So his spawn time was at least 13 hours.

I am gonna go back tonight and pm and see if he is there. The cool thing about waiting for 13 hours was that I continully SP? I gained a half level of XP, pieces of Borean Leather, 6 pieces of Arctic fur, and over g in junk. I hope the other spirit beasts go a litle easier lol. Wrathius 75 Drenai Hunter Lightning's Blade. Comment by Tamed pm on Stormscale, pretty sure th for this realm. Checked the other coord shown on the map here but nothing, camped from about 3pm constant till tame, got lucky break in between other hunters logging.

Was the other coord a mistype because in that exact area theres like three likely spots he can be Comment by Arreador Is this the lowest lvl spirit beast? Meaning you need to be at least lvl 74 to get a spirit beast, right? So this is the lowest lvl spirit beast a hunter can get, lvl Just in case you were having any doubts about the level. Comment by I just cought my 1st spirit beast 3 days ago. It was Loque, Ive been wanting this bear bad but everytime I go to start camping there is a hunter already there.

Anyways Im sure my day will come. I did not know the alarm wouldnt sound until I read this thread. Comment by Day 3 of camping but still no sightings: can someone please help me out with this amazing bear.

Comment by So I get home at noon from working a midnight to noon shift. I wake from my nap because I have another midnight to noon shift to work that night. My wife's like "I saw someone taming that bear just before you got up I might not ever get it". It was just dumb luck that as soon as I hit my target macro, he was standing right there. I have the 4 spirit beasts now and I will be a little angry if Blizz puts out more than one more without giving us hunters about 5 more pet slots.

Comment by Just tamed Arcturis on the hill down from Amberpine Lodge at pm server time - was just checking as I have been doing for awhile now. Patience is the key and you will get him.

I have not seen him spawn anywhere else. According to the last spawn it was 15 hours. It has only taken me over 2 months to get him. Comment by bcrowman1 ok so today i log and in like the first minute i go down to where articus spawns and i see this orc start to same him. Comment by Magus woke up at around 6 am just another morning farming for that sweet teddy, but got bored of staring at the screen for a while, so I logged on a 2nd account, managed to sneak a lvl 70 char into grizzly hills, and parked it there with NPCscan on while I played on my lvl 10 paladin..

It spawns at Amberpine Lodge. You can also have a pet out for it to spawn. These are just silly little rumours which mean nothing. Amberpine Lodge. Comment by Immaterial What's not to love about a see-through bear with glowing teeth that can stealth and fire druid lasers?

My favourite spirit beast- even had to sacrifice my ghost saber to free up a stable slot Comment by I just tamed Arcturis on Durotan server. The time was at am I camped the area near the lodge for last 3 days. Just missing him by 10 minutes twice for talking a break. I really wanted this pet so it was worth the wait.

No one else was camping him this early in the morning so I got him with 1 freezing trap. Good Luck to all you fellow hunters. And Blizz please give us more pet bag space so we can have a nice collection since we have to spend so much time on these rare pets. Subrius - Durotan. Comment by having skinned Loque'nahak before and getting a Blue-quality Cloak, I wonder what you get for skinning this one Waited a little under two hours, I was standing around the 'ber' part of Amberpine Lodge, as previously stated.

I was reading a book, and I was about to log off, then he spawned on top of me and my npcscan goes off! Heart racing, I abandon my pet, drop a trap and tame him. Surprisingly no intervention from any other hunters. I named him 'Kitty. Comment by well i'm camping for days now on that spot and no singh of respawn o. Comment by Shadow Council AM server time Got him tamed with ease, I didn't have to camp and wait more than a day so got lucky with my new pet. I watched him pop up on my screen at the time given.

Good luck to other hunter's also trying to tame this creature. Comment by Thnderstomp lvl 75 Hunter Bleeding hollow. Started sitting on the confirmed spawn point on the hill behind Amberpine lodge thursday Jan. I decided around AM of the next morning to log off. Get on next morning around AM and sit there the entire day around Jan. So we just kept talking about the bear then right around 20hrs from his last tame he popped on my screen right in front of me my heart started racing.

I layed down my trap and shot him with an arcane shot bam he jumped towards my trap but one of them darn patrolling stags walked right into it and got caught, i proceeded to get mauled on and died by the bear so I ran back quiick set another trap away from the stag and pulled again, landed perfect started the tame and then I had my beutiful bear. Goodluck and happy camping everyone! Just saw him sitting there while on an alt, so I switched to my Hunty, flew over and tamed him.

No camping, wasn't looking for him Instead drop it at your feet and hit tame, he'll be frozen long enough to tame safely. Comment by Azuremyst Server, Been camped at the amberpine spawn spot nearly 24 hours now! Still no sign although I have been afk for a couple of short breaks.

Im either sad or mad as Im now starting to name the squirrils and skunks! Anybody seem him recently? He is now my second spirit beast and I couldnt of done it without all the info provided by you other guys. Thanks you all.. Comment by hey, i was searching for this bear on turalyon eu, i was up from am til around am realm time, i decided to have a quick nap. I came back on around am and the bear was not there so i waited til around am, still no bear.

I then came on at around pm and no bear, I had mail so i went to the nearest mail box to check what it was, i was returning to the bit of land near the river close to amberpine mill when suddenly NPCScan went off, i rushed over to him and did the trap and tame method.

This was my third spirit beast. I went to the storm peaks to check for Skoll, when i approached the snowfall pains spawn point, my npcscan went off.

I did the trap and tame method again to complete my set of spirit beasts. Comment by Arcturis tamed AM, server time. The Story: It all started Jan 29, at 9pm. I just started on World of Warcraft, after a little break to fix some stuff in real life. I looked on Wowhead, to see the new patch notes, and then I saw on YouTube right after that, "New spirit beast 3. And I was like, A new spirit beast? I checked out the video, and saw that the new beast was called Arcturis. I really loved the look of him, and lucky enough..

My hunter was level 74 at the time! Couldn't be more perfect. I looked Arcturis up on wowhead, looking for tips for finding this wonderful beast.

After a long night, about 7 hours of camping at Amberpine Lodge, I gave up for the day. It was am, and I was tired. Jan 30, First off all, I'm level 74, they were 80 and Alliance I'm horde. Hours after hours, Arcturis didn't spawn. November 1, 9pm I decided to log on World of Warcraft to see, if my spirit beast was spawned.

It wasn't. Sad face. I were searching on the Internet for more hints about Arcturis, I was getting really tired. At am, my alarm went off. It gave me a shock, and I overreacted to finally see him. I landed on the ground, about to tame him. Everything was going smooth. He has been sitting, waiting for Arcturis to spawn! He killed me, thereafter the spirit beast.

I was angry, how could a person do this? November 2, 11pm I believed in, that I could get Arcturis before server shutdown at 3am.

I was sitting on my computer, while watching tv. My friend came online, and we decided to do a Zul'gurub mount run. We didn't get any mounts. I teleported to Dalaran, it was am. I told my friend about Arcturis, and I told him that he got killed at am. He said to me, "You should go look for him. I bet he will spawn before update.

Trust me. I came to my camping spot, and was ready for everything. Arcturis spawned. I quickly looked around me, no one was there! He was mine. I began to tame him, my frost trap missed. I needed to feign death. I started over again, and yet, another horde came to the spot! I was thinking, " He will kill him because I reached him first..

He simply just cheered at me, and smiled. Arcturis tamed. I couldn't thank the hunter enough, for not killing it. Arcturis is now my pet, and I'm proud of having this really nice looking beast on my side. Comment by Newa Hmm, my only advise on taming Arcturis is to get to his only spawn point and play WoW in windowed mode and watch some videos to pass the time while keeping WoW in a smaller window.

Comment by Well hello there! I used this macro I cant remember whos posted it.. Tame Him! My tactic was, that i didnt act like a zombie in front of a computer all day and night, rather Ive just set my phone to wake me up at am, and am.

My computer is really close to my bed immediately next to it , and it was turned on already because of torrent. So I just had to run WoW, log in, using the macro, and thats all. So I woke up at am today, and he wasnt there, I slept back. I woke up again at am, and TADA! There he is!

Ive choosen this times 4 and 6 am , because in that time playing the least ppl, and you have the most biggest chance to find and tame him without anyone interrupting you. If you ask me in daytime especially in rush hour , you have very bad chances So good luck to everybody, and yea i know, my english skills would be better :.

Comment by Here is a tip for mac users trying to find this one create a applescript to keep you from logging out this totally makes camping a passive thing and all you need do is listen for npc scan to go off here is what i use copy and paste into script editor it will make character jump every 3 min for 12 hours repeat times tell application "System Events" tell application "World of Warcraft" to activate key code 49 end tell delay end repeat.

Comment by hascat Found him on Cairne-US at about 3am. Was very perplexed when I couldn't tame him and ended up killing him instead. I later realized I needed to switch to my BM spec. The rare pet Gods finally paid back some karma today as I had only camped this target for about twenty minutes and had to log off. When I logged back in NPCScan sounded, he was no more than 30 yards away and bam a freezing trap, an auto shot and a couple of seconds of hoping no one else was around to attack it and kill him just for spite and he is mine.

After camping for hours and hours for Rak'shiri and Nuramoc this was a nice change! I have the latest updates on it, so be cautious when looking.

Good luck. Comment by With that grin, I can't help but think "Cheshire Bear. That is just too perfect : Edit: For those that use the Pet Emote addon, this bear shares the same scripting as the spirit cats. There's something about having a Cheshire Cat looking bear that meows and purrs that I just find amazing 8P. Comment by i wanted to add this. It took me about 12 h camping. Its totally worth it, it has decent dps so far devilsaur onl beats him by 50 or even less , and the most coolest thing is that every one comment it good comments ofc , like when im in sw i dont have enough time to answer all wisps : Anyway i think it has a 24h min spawn time and good hunting to all future owners.

Comment by cboo98 been camping him for 42 hrs straight on server maive hasnt spawnd once of my knowledge any help or info anyone. Location was exactly where everyone said it'd be. Was giving up in an hour from when it appeared. I followed another person on the name. Good luck to everyone else who's wanting it. It was worth it. Two things to note was there were several "casual campers" throughout the day. I was the only one who stayed longer than 10 minutes though. Guess that proves it's worth the wait.

The other thing is people showing off theirs. I had to clear the cache and it was alert once more. Yes the "alert even if you've cached it" button was checked, but since it's not part of the achievement list, it won't alert. Cheers, Valetudo; Thrall Server. Comment by I have been camping Arcturis for a while now with no luck but found something cool. Near the river he spawns next to there is a tree with some sort of face on it.

The face is on the trunk about halfway up the tree. It looks like some sort of voodoo mask or some such, I wonder if this could have anything to do with a Spirit Bear.

Sort of cool to ponder as I wait on him to spawn so I can tame him :. Comment by just to add for the people keeping track of the numbers server:silvermoon time spawned: pm servertime today as a side note total camping time 30 min this morning 45 min this afternoon for the tame. I'm after loque next hope my luck holds up. Happy hunting all. Same location as all other posts. Hordedude - 74 Troll Hunter of Thaurissan. He is mine at last :. Coordinates 31, Awesome, I finally have a "bear".

By the way Arcturis was at level 75 when I tamed it. He was on the slope of the hill going down into the river towards the river with the grizzly bears. After 48 hours off and on of trying to find, left to eat dinner, came back signed and boom, there he was. Very sweet. Good luck to all still trying to find this bear. Now to find loque. Comment by PotatoKing Today a guild mate told me that he killed this guy while a level 76 horde hunter was taming it Even for me an alliance hunter thought it was quite rude.

Everyone had laughs with my guild mate I was the only hunter online to feel the hunter's pain : and keep talking about that poor hunter then I commented what a bastard he was As a hunter I respect every other hunters that are looking for rare exotic pets see what most of these posts say, they are helping other hunters to get it.

And if I were looking to tame it and a hunter was already taming it, I would not kill it because : It will be rude There will be more competition for it You can be reported for it I think The guy might have been working for it harder than you did - will be rude Surely this will get downrated because of the guilt that people who did what my once guild mate did and most of it had nothing to do with this guy, just mostly hunters and pets Comment by Drenhar camping for a few days, and i tab in to see he finally spawned below me.

Look folks: drops arent worth it, you dont get an achievement for killing him, don't be an ass and kill it. There's far too many of us hunters trying to get our pet. Comment by Anqueeta Spawned for me 30 min after server restart at the Lodge location.

Comment by Kynkii Finally Was headed to the Inn when, on a whim, just decided to check his spawn point once more. When he strolled out from under the tree, I couldn't believe it. There I was in the wrong spec with a keeper-pet! I hurriedly changed my spec back to BM while praying that no one ninja'd him, and stabled my pet. Hit a mana pot and proceeded to tame. Well worth the wait. Happy Hunting Comment by Thunderlily So, I normally don't make these types of assumptions, but I believe it is quite possible that Blizzard may have gotten the idea for Arcturis in part from a rare genetic strain of black bears that are called white phase bears.

Comment by After 3 days of work finally tamed this beauty. Comment by galaga I may as well follow suit I had been spirit beast hunting for about 5 days with the ocassional break, Today I decided to camp my hunter over Arcturis' spawn before going to help a guild mate get a Barmans shanker. There was a 74 BE hunter sitting on the spawn when i loged off. I am barely listening to him as I refocus myself, drop outta the sky, abandon Toxocara my worm set my trap, tap the bear and proceed to tame.

OldBen was thinkin Grizzly Adams meets star wars at the time, don't ask Was tamed and trained at aprox 5am server time, Dalaran.

Comment by As soon as i hit lvl 74 on my hunter yesterday I went to his spawn spot and I found him and tamed him after about 10 mins of camping : I put my freezing trap too close to me and it didn't freeze him and he sarted pwning me so i started running around a bit and managed to get another freezing trap down and tame him.

Then today I flew in to Amberpine lodge to hand a quest and he was there again! I asked in local chat if there was any BM hunters around that wanted him but there wasn't so I killed him. I also hit 75 today so went to Zul'drak and as i was flying around my NPCscan went off and Gondria was there! But I couldn't tame her cos she was too high : The difference between the first time I saw him and the scond time I saw him was about 20 hours.

Comment by Just got this big guy at the same stated spot Amberpine Lodge, the hillside that slopes towards the grizzlies at pm server time. I had been waiting all morning and gave up and went questing. Dragonblight was lagging real badly so I went to quest in Grizzly hills and as I was getting ready to head back to town NPCScan went off and I saw him.

He almost killed me on the first attempt cause I was in such a rush to get him I was afraid someone else might come through and kill either me or him while taming :D. But I got him 2nd try. Comment by foxystephy Wasn't even trying but tamed him today at around pm ST on staghelm.

Comment by Syncness I'm pretty surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but make sure you're specced into Beast Master before camping. You'd hate to have to respec on the spot and risk losing the beast. Comment by SpectraKitty Question? Where do I find the ID of the animal? Comment by OMG Comment by Arcturis was tamed at exactly am on March 8th, on the Fenris server. I wanted those of you to know who were watching for him. Comment by I'm new to the hunter class, but as soon as I saw this guy in Dal, I knew he was a must have, for me.

Today was my lucky day, I haven't spent a great deal of time camping for him, occasionally sitting over his spawn point waiting for dungeon finder. Today was no different, I was litterally en route to my usual camping spot, when dungeon finder popped up telling me my group was ready. I had just clicked enter dungeon when just over the window I saw my ghostly bear. I teleported out and flew right to him, being Horde and fearing at any moment someone would either kill him, or stop me taming him.

He was at: 30, 55 Spotted and tamed at am PST Server maintainence scheduled for 5am Now for the real piece of luck, directly after I ran Old kindom fast run, 10 mins I decided to camp out the hills north of Brunnhilda village hoping that on reboot I might get Skoll, to my delight Skoll was there too, sat on the metal disk.

I know this information is not relavant to Arcturis. It just struck me as odd to be able to tame two rare elite spawns just prior to downtime. I will endeavour to confirm if I am either just very lucky or wether some pattern exists.

I just dinged 74 and decided to go look for this bad boy Comment by I had to post this up just to show my ordeal in trying to tame this bad boy. I camped out at the spawning spot for a total of 36 hours game time.

Usually in the evening and up until around midnight or 1am. I didn't run any dailies, no random dungeons, nothing during that time. I would periodically see another hunter come back for a few minutes and then leave but I stood firm saying to myself, I'm gonna get this guy no matter what. I had seen him when I was half way through 73 but of course I couldn't tame him yet. Few things to make note of, some of which others have previously mentioned in this thread.

Play in windowed mode so you can surf the net, or do other stuff while waiting, to pass the time. I turned off the in game music and just left the ambient sounds up and turned up my volume loud so when npcscan did go off I would hear if even if i wasn't sitting at the computer.. Also I made sure my cache was cleared for the addon. So finally around server time last night, I had been camped out for about 3 hours or so and at the time I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV and kinda dozing off when out of the blue NPCscan went off!

Scared the jeebus out of me! I jumped up, almost slipped and fell to run over to the comp, and sure enough there he was right beside me! I immediately backed up, dropped my freezing trap, and tagged him at max range. He jumped at me just like I had seen in the vids on youtube and got caught in my trap but he promptly busted through the trap within about 3 seconds and beat me to death!

There I was after 36 hours, dead! Fortunately the graveyard is real close to the spawn point for him so I ran back hoping to God nobody else had tagged him yet and fortunately I was still the only one there. I took a minute to bandage up, ate another food buff to get myself some more health, made sure my correct aspect was still active, dropped another trap and tried it again.

Same thing, he busted through my trap like it was nothing and promptly began to beat me senseless. Mind you Im 74 so Im taming him at level so he was hitting me like a freight train.

I have good gear for my level but still, it was rough gear score addon shows my at almost So after dying a 2nd time I run back, go through my same routine and began to tame again.. All this time, wasted! I decided though Im not giving up and thank goodness still nobody else was around but me.

This time I bandage up, eat another food buff, and drop my Lifeblood for a heal over time why I didn't think of this sooner I don't know , and began to tame him again. The longest 20 seconds game time I've ever had.. Then with just 5 seconds left he busts through my trap and gets one good whack on me but the deed is done and he's mine!

After all this my hands were still shaking and I thought to myself, man Im such a nerd.. I texted my wife who was at work and told her and she was like, yeah you're a nerd Ive never had a taming go that sideways before, I even have my freezing trap macro'd so that I stop all casting and attacks when I put it down, and plus I had unequipped my melee weapons.

Maybe it was just my dumb luck that my traps weren't holding, who knows. So in the end was it worth, hell yeah because he's cool as hell but man that was a long time waiting for him. So yes it can be done at level but be prepared because he hits hard. I got lucky on this one. Very cool looking pet: Spawn points are confirmed, right down by the water just shy of the water 31,56 or so.

Comment by Ok here's my story! This was around 5pm. After camping all night, I got tired and went to bed. I woke up around non sayurday and a blood elf was there camping I'm a night elf I tried to reson with him but he said it was his. I camped with him all day and nothing. But Saturday night he brought some guildies to try and get me away. We agreed that whoever started taming first, gets him. Well around midnight server time bam he spawns right on top of me!

I immediatly started taming, and I was almost done before the blood elf even noticed arc was there! Well he didn't stick to the agreement and killed him. I logged and went to bed. Next morning I go on and see a night elf camping there. He assured me he was there first and he needed a tanking pet. I let him know it's a dps pet and he said ok, I can have him. But he wanted to stay in order to beast lore him. I was suspicious of that well we waited and another nelf came by, positioned herself under a tree and logged.

She would log on every 45 minutes to check. Around the fifth time this happened , she had just logged off when arc spawned. I started shaking like crazy, but the guy was true to his word and just beast kited it then said he's all mine. I started the tame without a trap but realized he was hitting me to hard so I feigned death and healed. Layer a trap. I'm was a very happy hunter, who couldn't breath.

Ps: named him Recon. I was passing through Grizzly Hills and decided to soar over Amber Pine Lodge to check on ol' Arcty I had seen his corpse twice before, usually early in the morning , and there he was. Despite the chaos and adrenaline surging through me, I cooly landed, laid a trap, and tamed.

Arcturis tamed, named him Chillpaw. Well, while I was BM I went to go gather some herbs for low lvl inscription and I just happened upon him.

I could not find Call Stable Pet fast enough to put my Devilsaur away lol. Comment by Ladykeleera Just tamed this beautiful creature 5 minutes ago after a total of 40 hours game time spent camping. Spawned at am PST Terenas server or am game time. This was about 30 hours after the last known tame to my knowledge. His spawns do seem to be random and may not be on a set timer. Good luck to those hunters still searching for him.

He is well worth the wait. Comment by Gratzner Have to add some information. Today i saw Arcturis getting tamed at about 12 o' clock noon. Then, approx 8 hours later i see him appear by the spawn site. As i go down to tame him, he simply vanishes : Sad for me because about 20 mins earlier.. Sad sad indeed Weird thing though.. Because this happend twice. The second time i noticed that the NPCscan had detected him and went down.. I noticed that it was about 30 mins ago that he had vanished the first time.

So i decied to come back about 30 mins later and see if he would appear. Well lookie lookie This time i was prepared and ready so no problemo.. So it's safe to say that I would've been doubtfull of those 30 mins if i hadn't seen it myself.

Maybe this has been confirmed though but i havent seen anything about that. Good hunting. Comment by Well guys I got mine. March US Detheroc. I can confirm the one spawn location. I did a lot of research initially to come up with his basic spawn timer. While on Petopia. I had seen a level 75 hunter in Conquest hold with the pet and asked him when he tamed it. He should follow you down and then you can tame him as normal.

Depending on your level, you may need to pop Deterrence, but it should be an easy tame now at level 90 or above. Good luck! Last time I tried for an alt, there were typically other hunters there already camping. Thanks for this post. She is great too. Thank you for the great tips. I only heard about spirit beasts recently and they have been on my wish list read- obsession ever since.

Have four so far and the info was invaluable in taming and finding them. I Love this website. I come here for all of my hunter questions and needs!! I know the exact times and locations of all the Spirit Beasts. If you need help on obtaining them please let me know… I even will take you to the locations in game to assist in catching them. All I ask is that if you are serious about getting them.

If you are interested then email me a heads up. Yea um I play wotlk. Tamed Loque awhile ago. Have patience. It took me 2 weeks of on off searching and I found him twice. First time he was dead, broke my heart. Second time I found him it was around 6pm on a medium pop server and I managed to tame him.

Both times he was at the northern spawn by the bones. Another tip it to keep your current pet dimissed before you start flying. Thank you for the help! I think I can get him next time. Thank you for your guide. Got a wonderful Ghostcrawler by my side. And Louque is also in my stable. At least on our server there are literally queues for Arcturis, Gondria and Skoll. Got my Gegu, great pet. Thanks for the info, been sending alot of hunters I know here, so you may get an influx from WHU being disbanded.

Happy Hunting. Tamed Hutia using a guildies help. Where does it spawn the most common area? Has anyone had any luck getting it, if so what did you do? Very good Guide, congrats and thank you for that. Very useful, helped me to catch so far 6 of those beasts. But you might wanna update the new spamming times, it seems lately there were major changes there for example, Skoll respawned on my server after 7 hours.

Got all 3 of the MOP ones today. As of 5. Unlocked hopefully the correct MH phase, hunters asking in chat about the beasts. Before going to sleep I decided to give Karoma a go. Found at second spawn point I searched, noone in the area, tamed. For the spirit porcupine, we did it with a 3 man group. You gotta be separate from the group. We used a monk healer so she could throw a bubble on me before she died.

He is fast and hits like a mack truck if he catches up to you. Second best spot is the one west of Skyreach Pillar.

I have never seen Loque out at either of the two northern locations or the spot just east of the Nesingwary camp. Got it at one of those spawn points at south west, the one near the river, to be right. Was looking for it about 3 months.

All of sudden Loque spawned right in front of me!! My heart beat so fast and kept beating for the next 10min!!! Started a tame on Arcturis last night and a competing hunter, killed him for me, gee thanks friend, at pm….. With all these areas being combined across servers, it is nearly impossible to see these anymore. Such a shame. Gondria nabbed at realm time in Baelgun, finally after getting skoll quickly this was a pain to search…. Just tamed Arcturis at level 74 today! I only had to camp out for about a half hour.

Thanks again for the detailed guide, or I would have never caught him! Much obliged! This is really useful! I have a friend that was able to log on and get Skoll. He just spawned right in front of him. Just nailed skoll!

Baelgun server, am PST Server time? I was shaking sooo bad! Just starting my spirit beast journey. I popped back on and let everyone know that skolls timer had been reset.

I am now camping the spot he spawned for me last time, I pre-emptively dismissed my pet and have trap launcher on, I clicked freezing trap then came back to this window. The plan is that he will spawn within taming range, I will see the screen shake and click once to go back to WoW window, a second time to drop freeze trap, and a third click to start taming.

I will prolly go for Loque next. Finally got Gondria today at around a. Took weeks to finally get him. I got Magria as soon as I logged in the game this morning. I was on the tree where Ban is at and did not see him so I swooped down to check and see if any kitties were there and yep Magria is mine.

I gotta say your site has been very useful! The the coords for the tree top that you reference here are I also thought it would be a good thing to add in the walkthrough that an easy way to tell if you are in the correct phase for someone who is not sure is that they should have access to repeatable quests from the NPCs at the Sanctuary of Malorne.

If you see no repeatable quests then you are not in the correct phase. I have been looking for Spirit Beasts all day. Anyone have any info on finding them easier. I have been going to all of the spots for all of the beasts but no such luck. Adelheide, If it was easy all hunters would have all of them. It comes down to luck really and patience.

The silver dragon and npcscan addons are great additions for the hunt. Good LUCK to you! On my Ally hunter, I spent about eight hours trolling back and forth, round and round looking for Ghostcrawler. Thank God I got him my fav pet. I just hit 85 yesterday and went looking for my first SB. I went for Arc first since only one spot that he spawns at. I landed and asked in general chat if anybody had happened to see him yet and just as I did boom he spawned right on top of me.

I got numb after taming him was numb for like 15 seconds with excitement. Today I went looking for Loque and after an hour of flying circles I left to go look for Gondria.

The third spot I hit looking for him resulted in my second SB in less than 24 hours. I completed Mount Hyjal the other day and just found your website today.

So does this mean that I am out of phase to try and tame the spirit beasts? Or are you able to tame the spirit beasts after completing all the quests? Just wanted to send out status of spawn timer… Tamed Ankha at around US server time for anyone looking.

And that makes 7 spirit beasts in 5 days, guess i have been kinda lucky since it is kinda high populated realm and all. Realm Time: Karoma — P. On top of the tree Ankha — P. My goal was to find Karoma — I first found dead A. M I knew I had to come back around 4 P. So, I found Loque up by the spawn point closet to Icecrown. I imediatly, hit guild chat, to tell them that Loque is up and to Post it in Trade, as i had aready had Him.

However, today, I met a hunter, who puts a shame to us all, for he had Skoll out, tried taming Loque, then just killed him. It was a sad day. However I found my Loque by the Negway Base camp, the one closest to the edge. I had left camping him to go help a friend of mine for a few hours. I fly back up, just to see, not really hoping, and BOOM! The npc scan never did go off for him. I was being killed by anthor cat at the same time.

So, note to future Loque hunters: kill regular cats in area first, then tame. SKoll is my only Northrend Spirit Pet left. Are you specced Beast Mastery? Spirit Beasts are exotic pets — only available to Beast Mastery hunters. I finally got Loque this week, after hunting for hours each day for a week!

So far I have Arcturis, Gondria, and Loque! Zuiz, I nabbed Loque right near the nesingwary camp…to the left of the path and above the water…right there…. Finished my collection just now. Got Skoll and magria in a matter of minutes. I am having a hard time trying to get loque any tips??? I have been camping him for so long.. A hint on Ankha and the othe spirit tiger there. If your in a party and the people your with have armore to their special ability still will work on you.

Sure looked silly there with all my clothes off, but it worked just as you had described in this forum. I was really on edge because of all the mob around there and me with no armor. I suppose a freeze trap on a mob may do the job…..

Thank you very much…. Your instructions are super good. It was difficult to get perched on top the tree but it worked after several tries. I decided to stay up there several days checking and logging off and logging back on at random times. I practiced laying freeze trap, mounting and ascending, then dismounting and simulate shooting, falling back and re gaining health.

Tried it in the twilight on a real owl and it worked there…. About 3 days and bingo, I hit the macro and poof, he was there.

I was shaking so I forgot what I was to do. Finlay got together ant started the routine. It took me 3 tries to get in range of a shot after dismounting, but finally it worked and I came down with him after me and clicked deterrence and there he was in my trap, a little taming and he fell in my lap. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you…. Actually he fell to the ground and I thought the taming failed, but after searching around i saw him on the ground below my tree…WOW. Just shows how empty the servers are these days.

Unfortunately I never use SBs a lot. I am too well set up with MM at the moment. I just randomly went to these spots through out the days, the only one I camped for was Skoll And even then I got lucky, he spawned like 30 minutes later , which this completed my collection.

Thanks Gar, I got Loque the next day. Skoll continues to be elusive. He drives me insane! Proud to say that Ive tamed 4 in approx. Got the gondria and the wolf 2 day epic nessss thankyou so much. Hi there all.. How eva ya spell it.. On a taxi-flight across Hyjal, and boom! NPCscan goes off with Ankha. Landed at my original destination, then flew back to the nearest stablemaster to make room, went back… and she was still there! Ditched all my armour, trinkets etc and tamed her in my skivvies and tabard… thanks for the advice!

Just got ghostcrawler. And before that I landed the bear. And I missed Skoll by about 30secs and ran into a hunter who had just tamed him! I remember when world came out I was one of the first to tame Arcturis and I would always go there with him use eyes of the beast and fool all the hunters there, even getting some hordes to get flagged.

Thank you so much! I found Gondria at the exact place you specified after not being able to find Skoll! Thanks to this Website i now have 6 of 9 spirit beasts…Tame 3 of them in one day its feel great finding them. Tamed Gondria tonight at hrs sever time on Arygos…final addition to the stable to make SB9…lovin it!! Well i love hunting pets. I had help from my wife. She pulled ban to the ground and bubbled befor she hit, if you stay ontop of the stone thing that goes around the statue he will come down far enough for you to aggro once you start shooting him.

Been fun hunting and cant wait to get some more. Check my armory at Taloz 85 hunter Maive. Yeah i know my gear is bad but hey i got cool pets lol. So, I went on a taming spree the beginning of the year. I managed to get all remaining 8 of the beasts within hours of just entering The only pet that I had a problem taming was that Owl.

So, I landed on the marble stones surrounding the statue of Malorne. Took me awhile, but I achieved my goal of getting them all. Last night Gar, just a heads up, but Karoma is immune to Freezing Traps, as is Sambas. It must have been hotfixed after 4. Great guide! I had to die both times, but the second hunter only took once to get it right. The first time we had to experiment.

Never could find the tree to stand on, so we had to get creative! So insted I went to Twillight and found koroma instantly. I have been patrolling the area where ghostcrawler is for a few days and know hits.

The mob just has to be up and about in your active area — within range to target. My guess is around yards or so, however, sometimes it can detect mobs from quite a distance, such is the case with that giant who patrols throughout Icecrown. Thanks to this site now have 6 spirit beasts. Skoll 2. Arcturis 3, Gondria 4. Ankha 5. Arcturis is the easiest to get because of only one spawn point. Good luck hunters and early am is the best time to find them however, have found the m in the afternoon also.

You need to be BM but you can still tame cool rare pets like simba in twilight highlands as the other specs. The other reason could be the amount of pets in your stable is full or more likely you are already carrying 5 pets on your belt. I was looking for Magria in Mount Hyjal, but couldt find him at all… the place where its supose to spawn, looks quite different now.

Its now a questing place wich Its only fulled with fire mobs. Does the spirit beast still excist? Help please! So 13 hours ago I only had one spirit beast, Arcturis. I wake up early in the morning and then manage to tame Magria, Ghostcrawler, Karoma, Gondria, and Skoll all in a matter of three hours! What a good birthday! Only two more! I found Skoll whee! LOL, after waiting for arcturis for a whole day, then spending another day looking for loque, i goto zul drak looking for gondria, after about 15 minutes thar she blows!!!

I love going to all the spirity beast places, finding them and rehoming them to hunters. Nothng beats my enjoyment of wow more than summoning a hunter who has been looking for that special always-eluding spirit beast, to said spirit beast. Or non-spirit beast. You have great information on here — thank you. Only made 3 or 4 circuits around Sholazar. Regardless, the pets are awesome and I always get a few comments from 5-man pug groups on how cool they look.

Now I need to try them out in pvp a bit. I got Gondia just east of Mamtoth crater. I have now tamed gondria no more then 5 minutes ago alarming is the fact there is not spirit strike which has pissed me off after all that camping any one know why this might be or is there a roll on what abilities they get upon taming?

Just got loque and gondria in a 15 minute time span. In that order, within just shy of a 24 hour time span. Signed a very happy young lady. Right as i was camping skoll i left for 5 minutes and went to the other points, i came back to the last point and my NPCscan went off, all the blood rushed out of my face. I saw skoll lying there dead, my heart broke and i experienced rage like no other. Most depressing point in my WoW life needless to say.

Heya all, I got Gondria and Skoll 1st time within 2 hours from one another. I was camping Arcturis when I decided to go looking for some other spirit beasts. In 10 seconds that pretty cat was all mine. Has any1 randomly gone to a spawn place were one of these spirit beast and have found one of them.

Well not never, I camped Skoll off and on for about a month and never saw him spawn. They added some new spirit beasts in 4. They need to add spirit beasts for the cunning and tenacity families! He was at one of the southern spawn points, just up the hill from where Pitch the tameable black cat with skin like Humar the Pridelord is held captive by the Frenzyheart hunters. Just tamed both Skoll and Arcturis on the Spinebreaker server! I managed to nab both without even camping.

Tamed Skoll at PM server time coordinates Grabbed Arcturis at PM server time coordinates Look out, some may try to kill them since they drop some thing. Arcturis is the simplest to find. He only spawns on the riverbank just below the flightmaster in Amberpine Lodge in Grizzly Hills.

Ugh im haveing so much trouble looking for loquenehak and the bear. The bear should be easy, he only has one spawn point. I got him on my first day of camping for him. They are all on the same timer, i found loque at , then went and snaged up arcticus, and skoll all within 5 min from eachother.

How do I get to Northrend? How do I get to the Rath of the Lich King? I already down loaded it. Good luck to anyone looking for them, and if you're on CC, I wouldn't mind information if you have it. Character name is what I'm posting under. What luck!

Peace :]. Complete Breaching the Tomb. You must unlock the ability to tame mechanical pets before you can tame them. Goblin and Gnome hunters have this ability by default.

This item is crafted by engineers. This book is a guaranteed drop from Zul in the Uldir raid on Normal Mode or above i. Once you learn the tome on one hunter you can tame Blood Beasts with any hunter on your account. Where do I get a spirit beast in wow? Category: sports hunting and shooting.

One of the original spirit beasts added in WotLK, this gorgeous blue bear spectral beast spawns in mid-west Grizzly Hills, just below the hill at Amberpine Lodge. Lost Spectral Gryphon. Are all spirit beasts the same? What are the best hunter pets in wow? How do you tame ban Thalos? How to Tame Ban'thalos at Level Fly up next to him make sure you've already dismissed your current pet Dismount, then immediately hit him with Distracting Concussive Shot.

Where is loque Nahak most likely to spawn? What is the best tank pet for Hunter in wow? Where is Skoll? How do you get a pet in vanilla wow?

Where can I tame a spirit beast? How do you tame a Gumi at ? Can survival hunters use spirit beasts? Which Hunter pet is best for DPS? How many pets can a hunter have BFA? How do you tame a Spirit of the North?


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